Just to warn you
14 Dec 2006, 16:00
There's a player called Quake. He goes on pubs, votes himself ref and kicks everyone. I know you probably won't care, but still for the people that do, here's his guid, so you can kick him off pub or private before he votes himself ref and kicks you all.
Anyway most publics have disabled ref voting so that's not a problem. If you play on cybergames expect kick tbh.
there are cheaters everywhere, I just played on the same pub today and yesterday and there was always that guy giving 3 hs to everyone it was really impressive lol.
And a new guid everyday is cool tbh.
15 [.pjotr #unSkill-et] [3E8DDAD460A642C7CD310DE096F0A38323F07CAA] [win32]
1 [.pjotr <3raveneye] [E9E72EF823AB7B90579C901EBBD4A2AC701E86BB] [win32]
more interesting than this quake guy tbh :P