iOS5 for iPhone 4


Downloaded it yesterday and it works perfectly!
Awesome funktions
Awesome desinge
Awesome iPhone
Awesome Awesome!

What did u think about the new software of apple?
And could u explain me what exactly is different?

Please stop with this iPhone apple kanker i cant here any longer...
let me think about it! u havent got a iphone right?
I got the best handy atm Samsung Galaxy S2 ":D"
sad boy :)
why sad? atleast i hope u jailbreaked your iphone otherwise it's useless...
nicht jeder benötigt Apple-Statussymbole wie das iPhone, ist dir das schonmal i.d. Sinn gekommen? Warum immer gleich einen auf "ihr seid nur neidisch" machen?
this is just sad...
android man
havent downloaded it yet, friend of mine said it was nice
me: Siri, how stupid is this xen actually?
siri: more than words can say!
arschi! und ich dachte du liebst mich!
if we don't have a iphone we don't have a iphone, but if we don't want to have one than we don't want to have one and don't have a iphone.
everyone with an iphone4 was waiting for ios5 , sadly SIRI doesnt work with it @:D unlucky you cheapos! :D
you change bio pw like a woman changes her underwear.
Actually a dev has already gotten Siri working on the iPhone 4, its just they've yet to make it so Apple services accept it
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one on this journal who realises how shit apple actually is.
hey now steve jobs is a legend, nobody lay a finger on apple!
well i dont know rly about the current state of technology. but i know for 1 thing that apple is fucking great at promoting their products and having that "you'll also buy our iphone because then you are cool" thing

ps: uploading my courses audio i record in class from uni to the ftp :x) other students are grateful!
ye.. thats what apple actually is awesome at.. marketing :>

1 month left until I will get the awesome v-server ! glad I can help :P
will my ftp remain the same? cause its fine the way it is now mate ;)
all files/settings/links will be moved to the new v-server so everything remains the same :)
awesome mate! thank you so much :) <3

whats are the differences? speed ? storage?
yes more speed & space but also its a v-server instead of a simple webspace.. so I can install bouncers, vent/gameserver/vpn,... :)
QuoteAwesome funktions
Awesome desinge

typical iPhone trash buyer.
Nice, will download
preordered iPhone 4s i like this Siril shit
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