Cutting a demo

how can i cut the demo with the ultraviolent media manager if there wer no frags done at the time i want to cut them / how to cut the demo to a desired round time?
use a scissor
Cutting EC

ask a moviemaker??
use a scissor
cut your fingers
fuck off you mong no one is going to help you will just result in more of your shitty videos being made and then posted ! BEHAVE
I never understood that cutting anyway. Why?
and if you really need to.. just cut it with your ET.
if u wanna make a complex movie with all sorts of cams, and u miss the time where u need to do timescale 1 and the demos rolls by... u need to open it again and fastfoward it and.. miss it again :D
what about demoff, exec at time etc? there are tools helping stuff to get done.
its intuitive :S
u didnt get it, i wanted to say, its easier to just cut it then to use all sorts of commands over and over again.
find the start and end frame time and use that
do that by doing something like cg_drawframetime show_framecount 1 in console and note the number its at when you wanna start and end, put those numbers into the frame bits in mediamanager and press cut.

Don't take me helping you that i condone your shit videos, cause i don't, and I'm pretty sure nobody else on here does.
or show_framecount 1 (shows a framecount popup on screen) or 2 (shows the current framecount)
yeah thats the one i was looking for, couldn't remember what it was ;P
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