to Polaks (.pl)

"And no more shizzle like "omg he raped 3 years ago, he didn't play at all but he raped 3 years ago so I must take him" words of the wise.. good luck with this, probably the only fair captain
who is it? I can't log in to CB from here :(
he was quoting me :D
on some level it's good to take maybe 1 guy who looks like he is capable of a comeback. not saying wiesiek's etc who aren't able to stick to a comeback, just maybe if some guy like naga/xanah/wrobel (you get the point) who have the potential to put effort into making top level again. and if they're fucking up for the team or not showing up to practices you can replace them any point of the NC anyway 8D
moze :) definitely worth a try, proved himself in the past. if someone comparable to him was willing to play actively in UK I would make them play all the time and see if they still got it :P
Is he willing to come back? :d
Imo Wiesiek wasn't bad at all on all lans :d for example when he played with celsus he wasn't that bad :P
I don't think he was a cheater or bad player but his comebacks don't really last ;<
dialer will take it anyway=)
irc ale juz
na razie nie mam kompa
zaglosowalem na ciebie
zaglosowalem nie na ciebie
Masz glos brudasie. Bo na bank nie chce zeby ten zjebany dIZEL przejal inicjatywe nad tym gownem.

Quote"No one from poland is that much inside in et scene like him, maybe a lot of players hates him but he dont give a fuck. Hes not a good player so he will not play. So clearly he can make a very interesting team :)"
wypierdalaj staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
jebne vota jak zrobie konto XD
Masz z 10, wiec nie pierdol :D
zaglosowalem na ciebie
Nie kurwa
Nie przeklinaj szczeniaku !
Real Name: £ukasz

Taking the piss out of my IRC client :D ?
CF does not allow Polish signs, that's how it looks like normally:

image: litera-l-oliwkowe-tlo-cz_687_k
jestem hardcorem
kurwa mac
jestes pedal !
jestem slodki
oczywiscie, ze ogolisz. z kropeczka :D!
walczysz o zaszczytne trzecie miejsce? przed sprajtem i dizlem?
az mnie skusiles mejcik, przyjade do tej wawy i chce to widziec! :D:DD:D
lepsza kampania niz palikot
Fuck you with your fucking unknown language. nobody will learn it anyway. I'm wondering why you got internet...
niestety mam tylko jeden glos i oddam go na dizla!
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