Madrid mad?

you no get red card but goal in anyway


3rd non-given red in 2nd match though, wtf refs?
where can i watch, my sopcast is playing games with me :9
livefootballstream dot net

sounds like an understatement for those shots from real and handplay from pique...
4 goals for 3 non-given reds

no justice idd, sorry :<
Didnt rly see last 10 minutes of this half (one stream dropped and all others are like 1 frame per 10 seconds), but in first 35 minutes, real was by far better team, should have build a lead of 2 or 3 goals. Even pepe was behaving, which is unusual for him.
I only saw last 15 minutes though, sadly missed the begining but saw some highlights and boy Pinto so bad. Anyway Lass should be off, Messi raped defence and another great assist by him.
watched 1st half in HD and indeed Real was better in first half, had more chances to score, but also should get at least 1 red card. and Barca... Barca like always 1 insane action by Messi + 1 insane goal by Alves <3
HD, you so crazy
I like the way u use internet memes every fucking time you post something in here.
what happened
Lass (already booked) fouled hard, no 2nd card, everyone surrounding ref, Casillas mad and got card, then free kick, ball ends up under Alves's legs LE SHOOT AND GOAL
So Casilass got mad because Barca tried to influence the ref?
Like Real never tried to pull that off
you don't know what casillas said.
gast ga slapen :S:S:S
I'm studying hard :)
nope, but his face was pretty mad :D
why don't you write properly? you are already polak, so its fucking hard to understand you anyway plus you put these internet memes in your text so I have to read your text like 5 times and still cant understand what you are trying to say
Why isn't Valdes playing ?
Pinto always plays in Copa del Rey games
this refree is fcking retard, he ruined the end of game totally
counted 4 reds not given to Madrid in 2 games, dunno wtf with 2-1 goal, not many refs would blow that foul
should be 3-2 for real, gg ref once again

First of all, there should be a red card for Pepe in first game, last week. I bet it would change score to at least 3-1 (Real was raped hard even with Pepe on, I don't want to think what would happen without him) + How the fuck was he allowed to play yesterday anyway ?

Secondly, there should be a red card for Diara (2nd yellow, by far it was one of the most obvious fouls in this game), therefore it would also change things.

So stop posting shit about that goal, stop crying, and for god sake try to at least win on your own pitch.
Undeserved win by barca
referee is retarded and ruined the game
sergio busq is a mongol.
well Barca didnt win...
undeserved draw :p

First of all, there should be a red card for Pepe in first game, last week. I bet it would change score to at least 3-1 (Real was raped hard even with Pepe on, I don't want to think what would happen without him) + How the fuck was he allowed to play yesterday anyway ?

Secondly, there should be a red card for Diara (2nd yellow, by far it was one of the most obvious fouls in this game), therefore it would also change things.

So stop posting shit about that goal, stop crying, and for god sake try to at least win on your own pitch.
"my own pitch" did i claim i was a madrid fan ? don't think so.

from an objective point of view, what sergio B. did is by far worse than what pepe did rofl
It was a copy/paste of my previous comment, I forgot to delete last line.

Anyway, I can't remember what Sergio B. actually did, but that doesn't change a thing. I said what IS right.

By the way I'm not Barca fan. Just can't stand how fucking pitiful people can be. You lost AGAIN, therefore you are fucking worse, don't blame others, blame yourself, period.
wait gimme a minut... did madrid loose ?
don't think so.
no stop wasting my time and hang yourself
They lost, they did not pass to another stage. Plus no thanks, I'm nowhere near hanging myself.
nice red card for ramos, totally deserved :-)
im normally favouring barca cause i dislike the whites/pepe but seriously that ref should be shoot
need someone to make gif of Pepe clapping his hands after final whistle :D
-Ramos' disallowed goal
-Puyol pushing Benzema from behind during clear goal scoring opportunity
-Ramos' second yellow card from high hand which didn't even hit Busquets
-Granero's yellow card from "tackling" Pique, in which there was no contact as replay showed

Just wondering..
you forgot a play with hand in first half by Pique(?), should have been penalty for that
Oh yea, I was too busy watching the end of the match
quite sure there was a contact @ granero

had to see in HD with slow motion ":D"
My HD stream showed none
there was a really slight touch (tbh it just slided over shoe, nothing to really feel), but surely not enough to act like my heel just got ripped off
but it was late and very dangerous attack. thats why he got yellow
never the less, that faggot he tackled should have been awarded for his acting skills with yellow card as well
Even if there was no touching the speed he did it with deserved a yellow card.
and more and more... list goes on by how retarded this ref was, real deserved this one to win imo..
no 2nd yellow for Lass for foul on Messi
no 2nd yellow for Ramos(around 50 min) after brutal attack on Pedro
no instatnt red(not only yellow) for Pepe for fouling Messi
no 2nd yellow for Granero for foul on Alves just after 1st yellow and being agressive to ref
Offside when Sanchez have 1o1 chance in 1st half
Offside when Pedro was going to have 1o1 in 2nd half

+ there should be 2nd yellow for Cesc for foul on Pepe

:) yea refree fucked those match
Ye, Lass shouldve had a red card. Can't remember other situations.

GG WP, hope there's better ref next time
gg referee
Red cards:Lass Pepe Ramos Granero Cesc
2 wrong offsides against Barca...
gg shit refree...
Lass red card too (2nd yellow after foul on Messi)
2 red cards for lass imo and suspension for 5 years
7 for Pepe and lifetime suspension
jailtime for pepe.
No,I'm mad,They should have got this one. :/
red card for lampard
wtf the ref man!?!?!?!? , was a nice game tho
As a completely neutral fan i just cannot watch Barcelona play anymore. I respect the ability of barca, and i believe that Messi is probably the greatest player of all time. However, Barca just dive way too much for it to be enjoyable for me. I personally think that half of their success is due to teams being too afraid to tackle them as half of their players go to ground whether you touch them or not.
Have you watched Pepe ? Ronaldo ? .. so you are saying what Pepe did to Messi last game when he stab on his hands was just excident ?...
Ive been playing soccer by myself for 12 years almost and Barcelona is playing smart that is .. Real M is just not fun team .. its not fun to watch them play its boring and they need 2323253242342 millions to be good.. Barca ? almost every1 is from Barca !
Since arriving Real Madrid, Ronaldo hasn't been diving almost at all. Judging team's entertainment value is, of course, invidual. For me, Barcelona are playing the most boring football to watch. I don't like the way they slow play every attack, maybe you do. Real Madrid, on the other hand, plays fast attacking game which I prefer much, much more.

Hala Barca fans since 2009!
Whats the point of your argument?
You are clearly Real Madrid fan and he is clearly Barcelona fan both of your opinions are subjective.
Their main gamestyle is the same anyway, dive all the way if someone touches you, so np.
Whats the point of your reply?
my point is that its useless to see 2 fans argueing about each others fav teams, it wont get anywhere

plus my other point is that both of teams act like women sometimes :P:P

get my point?
I am not saying Real are much better, but i personally would not be able to support a team with girls like busquets, alves, and pedro in the team. I suppose this is the difference between you and me, you call cheating "playing smart", i see it as cheating. In the premier league we like to see the best team win, and until Barcelona cuts out all of the diving, fouling, and surrounding the 0%ref, then i struggle to think of them as the best team.

One point that really irks me, i hate how the Primera's TV money is divided. Real and Barca get 70% of all the TV sponsorship money and then have the AUDACITY to complain about Man City's money. How the hell is anyone in Spain menat to compete with Barca and Real when they both have an income that is 5x the size of their nearest rival.

Finally, Barcelona spend HUGE amounts of money on players. In the last 2 and a half seasons they have spent £282 million on players, which is about £112 million a year. Please do not try and say that they have done anything but buy their success.
have you seen them do all that crap on Champions League final e.g.?
Yes. Champions League semi-finals vs Chelsea and Arsenal springs to mind.
asked the final :D not much diving vs Chelsea, just shit ref. Arsenal wasn't it 1/4 when Arsenal drawed 2-2 at home and then lost 4-1 at Camp Nou without having a single shot on goal?
Coupled with having their best player shown the moat ridiculous red card in champions league history. And why so much importance on the champions league final? You expect me to judge their antics on 2 games out of their past 120?
I can see them roll around more in Madrid games but that's that. And in those Copa Del Rey games few of Real players really should be sent off without Barca rolling around.
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