Movie help !

Need decent movie-making guide :(
only found this one @ xfire
and judging at the comments it doesnt look that updated.

I'm just looking for a simple guide dont care about what programs u need , cuz i got hax and stuff.

And yes i have tried fraps allready :(
take screenshots>convert them to avi>render them in vegas and add some effects and n141 music>encode them to either x264 or xvid, and thats it
cl_avidemo 120 -> vdub, change framerate to 120 -> save as avi
vegas: edit , render as uncompressed / huffyuv
make an avs file , open the avs file with megui, compress
Just ignore Meez, he's a hyped up egomaniac who wouldn't give you straight information if his life depended upon it. Ask what OS to use and he'll tell you linux, ask him what Internet browser to use and he'll tell you opera, ask him anything to do with computers and he'll pick the most obscure program just so he can add another notch to his e-cool belt.

My guide works if you're looking to make a nice, mediocre movie; however, you have to realise that if you wish to make an awesome movie, much work needs to be done, and no guide can make you work. Amazing effects, awesome editing, etc, do not come in guide form, they take practise and patience: think of it like asking for a guide on "how to aim", did everyone who read raziels guide turn into raziel? No. Did they get better, and eventually expand upon what they learned? Yes.

Hope that helps.
Opera is shit.

Hi, you're probably wondering which way he's gonna go with this one? Is he going to insult socks skill, socks english, or is he going to wittily counter the argument. Well, this time, Meez is going to go for a nobrainer, and steal socks favourite word to use against him.

Aren't you cute! I just wanna wrap you up and take you home and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle you forever!

See, it's annoying when people say dumb shit.
official: ill do somth, maybe with max, to get an up to date tutorial... But it can take some time...
would be helpfull
make a guide for vegas imo the rest is easy
lol @ you

vegas is the best part of it all
what didnt you get of what i just said, i need a guide for working with vegas, cause i dont know shit about edditing
why do u need a guide, its easy to learn .(
i cant even manage to get the avi from virtualdub into vegas
now figure out why i need a guide:D
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