Zombie Mod - Maps

Looking for ideas for maps to go on the default Zombie Mod install.

These maps will be modified 6 default maps, what maps would you like to see and what changed to them?

Add pictures, edit them with paint, new spots, new buildings, things to remove... what weather, textures etc...

Anyone who helps a good deal will be thanked in mod menu.
Use these images, edit in paint or something.

Let's work on Fueldump, what shall we change?
image: l_et2012_02_1413_47_52_63copy
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image: l_et2012_02_1413_48_48_81copy
image: l_et2012_02_1413_49_29_06copy
image: l_et2012_02_1413_48_37_71copy
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image: l_et2012_02_1413_49_45_47copy


Thinking about -
<will do when i get home>
if i trickjump on the roof of the hut, zombies cant kill me?
The release of this mod - Zombies are human (real players) so yes, fucking run :D
use smaller maps for this or only the last stage (hold the depot thingy as long as u can)

maps like tcbase or smtn would fit alot better i think or delivery(like u hve to hold from the last button room as long as possible)
This game is fast paced, it's Quake 2-3 style movement, strafing on flats, uphill on verts etc.. need maps to be rather large and include plenty of sneaking spots etc...

There's no command map, I might implement a flash light for players also.

Will be custom sounds on most things, screams, moans etc...

Trying to get the atmosphere together using maps and sounds more than code tbh.
well I understand you want looks over codes thats obvious, but what I ment is that to me(personal opinion :P) a zombie slayer game should have a spooky 'claustrofibic' feel to it aswell. Like being cornered and having to fight out, ofcourse this could be like being in a room on supply depot but I think this would create too much space for the 'heroes/non zombie' characters as zombies will have to walk from spawn to where the fight is?

Ofc this could be fixed with things like making zombie characters spawnpoints all over the map.

About the flashlight, i think there is a jaymod/noquarter version which already has that built in, could check that out! I think the most important is the dark scary claustrofobic feeling the mod should have :P
stole my idea of tc base :(
Red skies
What weather effects?
I've already hard coded the rain to be a lot heavier and I might even add hit detection so the rain drops on your head and gun instead of appearing infront of character and going through objects.

Would it be suitable to add lightning, flashes etc?
like on radar yup
What are the objectives of the mod? (survive the zombie attack?)

I could probably help with finding things to add/modify.
Survive as long as you can. You will have 2 or 3 lives (not decided yet), and will have to work as a team to survive.

Medics are not powerful, you need the power class to do most damage.
Sounds good, so you play versus real players (zombies) ?

Also, 3 lives would probably be sufficient.
Yeah I've worked on this code from ETMAIN, not stolen any code from other mods. The bot code will have to be implemented by someone else willing to do so, I will release source on day of release.
Oh nice, wouldn't really benefit from stealing anyway! Yeah cool :)
Feel free to look at the 6 default maps and expand on them, give ideas etc.. will pass it on to the mapper.
and how the zombies can kill the normal player?
how about you try building the mode thats in alien versus predator 2 too? it's when you die you become an alien(/if you run out of lives you get switched over - for publics maybe - and become a zombie. as a LMS kinda challange)

edit: and will there be only melee zombies or infact also ranged ones? would appreciate that, otherwise you'd have some real balance issues imo
Maybe something like this, soundpack which automatic shouts "boomer" or "hunter" for different kind of ultra zombies...like for example the boomer explodes if it gets close to you

image: scaled.php?server=408&filename=unbenanntzim
That's possible indeed, but where do I get these sound files, it means they'd need naming :P.
let people record there own samples and use the ones that seem awesome :D let people be creative with filters etc!
Can you have a weather cycle?
not with the current engine. Would probably need major change of engine code. All that might be possible with less work were to change amount or sort of rain by simply replacing the texture used for it in the process, but I doubt that would do a good job

ET 2.60 SDK has nice feature.Shader API what Bani implented.

Using cg.time,which is current system time,we can use images for fake day/night cycle,ofc its a lot art work,but what ever.
but that does not change the environment effects, which are compiled into the map in the map->bsp process. That was what I am talking about. You could also fake a day-night switch with shaderremaps in the maps mapscript I suppose (dependant on the maptime), but we both know that is not a good looking way to go :D
maybe simply code the cycle as if it was one then?
at least on radar rain stops at times. why not then have a cycle running not only for weather but for map lighting too?
map lightning is baked onto the map and is fixed. You dont have dynamic lightning in et/q3 except some very basic and bad looking effects like the radar lightning (which is ok tbh). But dynamics lights dont work well in ET and they are eating fps like shit. there is no way you can make anything proper with those. Its just not layed out for that and no simple code change can change that.
so you'd say 'meh - not without etxreal' ? well bring it on then. would love to see the sun rising during the last 60 seconds for example :P
:D will not be my job to fulfill that wish
well the first part was for you, the otherone was more an outburst of anticipation^^
Yes,I agree,the lighting is just horrible.

Why non of OpenGL programmers,could convert Q3 code to OpenGL 2.0(which is common version for average gamers GPU) and to VBO rendering!
add buildable fences that cost moneyz that you collect from zombies ahah yes
zombie mod in ET :DD Fuck yea gonna install et again..
will add some ideas later

Idea 1

image: 2rfa63t

p.s. i hope you understand :D cus cba to put lots of time photoshopping this
i would honestly appreciate the zombie mod more if it was cod5 style rather than NASE.
but hey i guess thats rather hard to pull off...
you should maybe use the "engrs can build shit" functionality to add NASE style elements.
Maybe have some kind of left4dead2 survival kinda map (the shopping mall). Have health and ammo cabinets placed everywhere and like cabinets with weapons in them.
looking good tho!

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