Zombie Mod - Maps
14 Feb 2012, 14:57
Looking for ideas for maps to go on the default Zombie Mod install.
These maps will be modified 6 default maps, what maps would you like to see and what changed to them?
Add pictures, edit them with paint, new spots, new buildings, things to remove... what weather, textures etc...
Anyone who helps a good deal will be thanked in mod menu.
Use these images, edit in paint or something.
Let's work on Fueldump, what shall we change?
Thinking about -
These maps will be modified 6 default maps, what maps would you like to see and what changed to them?
Add pictures, edit them with paint, new spots, new buildings, things to remove... what weather, textures etc...
Anyone who helps a good deal will be thanked in mod menu.
Use these images, edit in paint or something.
Let's work on Fueldump, what shall we change?
Thinking about -
maps like tcbase or smtn would fit alot better i think or delivery(like u hve to hold from the last button room as long as possible)
There's no command map, I might implement a flash light for players also.
Will be custom sounds on most things, screams, moans etc...
Trying to get the atmosphere together using maps and sounds more than code tbh.
Ofc this could be fixed with things like making zombie characters spawnpoints all over the map.
About the flashlight, i think there is a jaymod/noquarter version which already has that built in, could check that out! I think the most important is the dark scary claustrofobic feeling the mod should have :P
Would it be suitable to add lightning, flashes etc?
I could probably help with finding things to add/modify.
Medics are not powerful, you need the power class to do most damage.
Also, 3 lives would probably be sufficient.
edit: and will there be only melee zombies or infact also ranged ones? would appreciate that, otherwise you'd have some real balance issues imo
ET 2.60 SDK has nice feature.Shader API what Bani implented.
Using cg.time,which is current system time,we can use images for fake day/night cycle,ofc its a lot art work,but what ever.
at least on radar rain stops at times. why not then have a cycle running not only for weather but for map lighting too?
Why non of OpenGL programmers,could convert Q3 code to OpenGL 2.0(which is common version for average gamers GPU) and to VBO rendering!
will add some ideas later
Idea 1
p.s. i hope you understand :D cus cba to put lots of time photoshopping this
but hey i guess thats rather hard to pull off...
you should maybe use the "engrs can build shit" functionality to add NASE style elements.
looking good tho!
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