Zombie Mod - default cfg

Hi, reworked some more of the engine, disallowed some more cvars, and now I'm working on the graphical engine.

I am after someone with skills willing to help in config editing who can work with me to create 2 config files. 1 for high graphics, the other for low settings.

Some things are forced such as shadows, and I've increased the graphical power of entities being displayed at a distance.

Still small things to add and remove to the code, still awaiting files from mapper & modeller.

Sorry if frame rate seems slow, I'm using FRAPS to record and screenshot things.

Small video of my current config for mod.

image: scientist%2Bzombie%2Bmodel%2Bsheet%2Bartistic%2Bsize
seems promising
What is the exact plan of this mod?

Allies vs. Axis (Zombie vs. Humans) or some kind of survival mode..?
Allies vs Axis and yes Zombie & Human nicely spotted. I am no expert coder, I can only work on things and implement small things. I've had some help from other people but haven't touched anyone elses code, so I'm quite limited to what I can do. I will release the mod when I feel it's enough to work well. Still A LOT of work to be done regarding maps, models & sounds, code is almost done apart from hitsounds, leaning and shooting (needs to be fixed) and weapon modifications/additions.

Once I can get 1 map and 1 player model sorted I'll get it released on the server for 64man war. Someone will like to port it for BOTS so there could always be survival mode.

Basically you have 2-3 lives, survive as long as you can and collect as many KUDOS as possible.

Added a KUDOS draw system which displays the KUDOS when you kill a player (similar to MW3 drawing of XP). Working on a health draw, so when you shoot a ZOMBIE it displays how much health you've minused from the character.

+ many more things like shooting underwater, physic adjustments etc..
i hate the word KUDOS :(
:), what would you prefer?
maybe Wipeouts , or just frags/kills ?
the fuck is with that prone jumping?
Very handy believe me ;)
make it so u can slide from between the zombies legs? :D
xD would need awesome hitboxes for that xD
Actually just a model and vectors ;)
Surely there'd be more to it than that for hit detection?
can't wait to play tbh :P

i suck at coding but i'm quite handy with photoshop so if you need anything shopped, let me know and i can try to fix it for u
PMing you now ;)
great work! keep it up
Sounds nice!
avi if you need smth video related :)
Thank you, will keep that in mind.
really cool!
but where are the zombies?!
Models are being made, patience /O/
New screenshots - runs as smooth as a babies bum!

image: l_x
image: l_xx
now that i saw the artwork up there and the two pics down here, well, go really try to implement xreal as soon as possible^^
(i really find the artwork to be thrilling - just so you dont get me wrong^^)

e: for the mapping thing i had to miss out on - you should really try more or less either maps like braundorf adlernest and maybe even beach (or maybe some custom maps liek funbeach or hydrodam) nor maps which still offer some cover while trying to approach on the open field, e.g. boxes fallen trees and the likes (which you barely have on fuel dump second stage)

e2: at least the brightness you got alright already :)
tc_beach would be really epic. From strong defence on beach killing hundreds of zombies till last struggle of few survivors fortified deep in the bace :o! But guess it won't happen when it's infection type of game (more running and hiding around)...
I will release source once I get models & maps in the pack. Anyone with a bit of C knowledge could port this to NQ, could have what you wanted then ;).
I'm sure it will be really great mod even without bots/modifying (:
how does the gameplay work? i just seee a hidenseek like mod ??
looks nice, kinda like cs 1.6
cant wait :D
do you have a FAQ page?
you keep on talking about ur zombie mod but i still dont really know what will be in it.
seems not bad man!

but i think tj are too fast here
Walls actually look awsome.
L4D into ET !! That would be awesome :D
ET already had zoom in before COD series came out! but idk which idiots locked it, plus ambientscale is helpful some map textures tend to blendin with uniforms...
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