in need of photoshop help

I've a ready header for a webpage, all i need is to change colors because my uncle said he doesnt want a dark colours and i cant fit any other colors because of my lack of artistic skills :D And maybe there will be a need to add some effect/pattern or smth like that to make it look better with other colors. For someone with a good artistic sense it is max 10minutes : P

If you have a photoshop skills and you are willing to help me please leave me a PM, i'll send you a .psd

And would be cool if you could make it tonight since i want to have it done before morning

Regards :D
I've a ready htl;dr
Zijn broertje heeft gecheat tegen mij in een 1on1.
Daarom dat hij nu dat heeft voor zijn naam XD

Schuld van zijn broertje XD
goed voor hem
Wie is Hem?

Broer of Broertje?
:D allah akbar broeder
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