Never seen before TZAC 2.0 problem

Problem solved thanks to Tankey & rezta

Quote by hELIO

for the people who have problems using the new TZAC, I'll explain how to fix the problems with TZAC.

Please note I am unsure if this way fixs also the lagg problem, as that shouldn't be ET related.

- At first, you go to your ET.exe (default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory")
- Then right click on ET.exe
- Jump to the tab Compatibility at set 'Run as Admin'
- Set also 'Run this program in compatibilitymode' on 'Windows XP SP 2'

Now you're done with ET permissions.
Let's head to TZAC itself.

- Go to TZAC2 folder (default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TZAC2")
- Right click on TZAC.exe
- Jump to the tab Compatibility at set 'Run as Admin'

Well, it should work properly now.

Hope it worked for you. If not, feel free to add me on xfire or other social programs.
Xfire: 123foxx123, you can find me ingame under the name Tankey or hELIO.


Ok, so this is my problem, none seemed to be able to help me. So for everyone who has the same problem as me, some smart people will reply and have the right answer.

- TZAC uninstalled (all files removed from %appdata)
- Rebooted my PC
- TZAC 2.0 installed (have tz-ac 2.0 folder now!)
- Rebooted my PC
- Ran TZAC 2.0 as Administrator
- Ran ET.exe as Administrator
- Loaded ETpro MOD manually
- Connect to TZAC server
- Gets disconnected saying it does not recognize TZAC Didn't work?

Any smart one who knows the answer to this one? Challenge accepted?

image: 2m0g9x

image: 34q5un4

Ive literally tried everything, nothing works.
Tzac 2.0?

e: blame that sticky esl news
haha lol gege
well i just close tzac --> run as admin --> win
that's what I did, still doesn't work. :-(
Fairly obvious first thing comes to mind, perhaps serverside isnt updated to 2.0 yet.
I reinstall ET , Patched with 2.60 and with 2.60b and it works
You had same problem as I did?
i'll make a comment as smart as your gtv comments:

i'm not gonna instal it I think.
you wont be able to play then.
I have same problem :S
Gast! ik zeg dit alleen omdat ik jou mag.
Oude TZAC verwijderen.
Nog steeds het zelfde?
C:\Users\bAnga\AppData\Roaming (Verwijder TZAC folder)
Nog steeds het zelfde probleem?
Ga naar je Program files folder & kijk of het TZAC is echt verwijderd want bij mij was hij er nog.

C:\Program Files (x86)\
C:\Program Files\

for the people who have problems using the new TZAC, I'll explain how to fix the problems with TZAC.

Please note I am unsure if this way fixs also the lagg problem, as that shouldn't be ET related.

- At first, you go to your ET.exe (default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory")
- Then right click on ET.exe
- Jump to the tab Compatibility at set 'Run as Admin'
- Set also 'Run this program in compatibilitymode' on 'Windows XP SP 2'

Now you're done with ET permissions.
Let's head to TZAC itself.

- Go to TZAC2 folder (default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TZAC2")
- Right click on TZAC.exe
- Jump to the tab Compatibility at set 'Run as Admin'

Well, it should work properly now.

Hope it worked for you. If not, feel free to add me on xfire or other social programs.
Xfire: 123foxx123, you can find me ingame under the name Tankey or hELIO.

can I also find you @ mIRC?
i installed new et.

etpack 2011 (fixed win xp sp2 settings)

install tzac2,run tzac2 as admin

connect to server

gl & hf

i didnt delete tzac1.its runnin on other et np.
For now, I have not been able to fix this error:

Awaiting Challage 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8

Awaiting Auth

It keeps going on for ages, if someones knows the solution, it would be awesome
Have a lot of lag spikes and FPS drops here.
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