win7 + et

well first i had the problem that my tzac didn't work ... now it's the game itself

had to set up new o/s (windows vista -> w7 prof x64) because of windows vista shitting around.

so heres the prob:
no sound ingame (well, its super quiet)
huge fps drops

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz (overclocked to 3.0)
8,00 GB RAM
Nvidia GTX 275

think my pc is good enough to run ET at constant 125fps but ingame it drops to 50-70 ...

any advices? :((
Win7 + et is weird. 1 year ago i installed win7 and couldnt even start the game coz of some kind of bug or error or something. After 2 days installed xp again and everyhing was ok. 3 months ago tried agian with win7 and there was no problems. Dunno what it depends on. Maybe try to reinstall your system and the problem will fix itself? Or just try to reinstall et, delete pb folder, run as a administrator or run with xp compability. Or ask someone to send you his pb folder, once it worked for me dunno why tho.
think im going to quit that shit instead ... :DD
Dont give up, if you cant solve this problem just install xp :D or buy new pc and problem will be solved

e: for expamle i have created partition with 80gb only for et, maybe try something like this, it might help with your fps drop.
this cheat you're using is almost as heavy as you!
believe me, Im heavier :D
Hahaha to moje :D
format c
betting on driver problems. try different drivers for your graphics card.
what chipset sound you have ?
Do you have xfire off? I can't play with xfire on or else I get huge fps drops. You can also try disabling UAC:
/s_volume 1
Use windows 7 mixboard to raise your volume from ET.

Turn vsync off
Update Graphic card drivers

rightclick the nvidia driver icon (the one near clock)

Go MANAGE 3D SETTINGS (you can also access this window directly from Nvidia control panel).

you should find global settings and program settings
pick the program settings chooser(or wat its called)

Find Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory on the upper list, press add and show the program the path to your et.exe you play on.

From the lower list find something like THREADED OPTIMIZATION (in PL optymizacja watkowa) and turn it OFF

w7+lol= adobe smth crash sometimes :s
macbook pro late 2011 on bootcamp... 125 fps np.
AMD Radeon 6750M + i7

Dunno might be nvidia.. had problems in the past with gfx cards that should easily handle ET.
Might be OpenGL related.
2 quick ideas:

- Threaded Optimization, must be turned OFF (like HIRVI said)
- uninstall Tribes if you have it installed. It made owzo and potty lag2max for some reason.
I think Tribes is bundled with Pando Media Booster (or something similar, anyway a P2P program that works like torrents and seeds the game to other users). Uninstall that (for PMB, you can uninstall it from add/remove programs) and the lagging should stop.

Many free games, like LoL and LotRO, use Pando Media Booster to distribute installers and patches, and sometimes it stays on in the background seeding the game all the time using all your upload (and some RAM), causing you to lag. Piece of shit bloatware and I die a little inside every time it's installed on my computer.
threaded optimization & vsync off
disable AA ( if you have it forced .. )
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