nice esl admin :XDD

so after we bashed this fucking subhumans Tohaj and forsaken

tohaj requested the demos but zentic didnt record (ur a dickhead sry <3) and they made protest on esl cause they can't stand being analraped by us...

so why do we actually have to upload a demo if the game is on gamestv and it was a tzac forced serv ofc. (you can fucking request it any time tohaj)

and i don't get why tohaj is busted on CB (til 2014) but allowed to play on ESL

e: not kwizlord's fault so pls leave him out of discussion...

e2: won
Nerds got rolled. Now they mad - normal.
i dont get why one has to record demos when the game can be watched from gamestv. More lame asses wanting a win so bad they will do anything for it
and its only 1 who forgot it ... :D
hi zanc, thought the same.
replay on demand - record - profit.

u care? why so lazy
cuz kwizlord ESL admin and he wont be ok with this ...this immature subhuman dumbfuck
Did i make protest or did 1 of my teammates? Second if we are looking this case now, do your team have demos? If not you are breaking rules... so much about your team being innocent at this case.

Please next time do not envolve just coz 1 admin played match also him into this shit coz your being just mad of protest.
its was played on ettv so its pretty pathetic what u are doin... u as admin should be for sportmanship and now think about what you are doin !
Maybe your just retarded or cant read only 2 things can be here? So what is it?
your saying that we complain about u being admin... well yes cus u as admin should be for fairplay and not for such forfeit wins!... and tbh we talk to/about you cus everyone of ur teammates just where like "gtfo we won so u mad now?". and the biggest thing is that u complain about 1 demo missing while the match was played on ettv...

gg mister
This was not 1on1 match it was 3on3, means team plays, i cannot decide for a team what they think. He decided to open protest he did. So still what i'm saying i dunno why i'm being mentioned and 2nd why is journal named: nice esl admin :XDD . Do you think i would respond if it would be named like exe is going to whine etc.?
i didnt made teh journal so... still its pretty sad and u can talk to your mates srsly !
its allready being considered to change rules because now some are doing that to delete match.
ye alrdy saw the post... just on a sidenote not offensive or so... i know u will always get offended for such things as admin in a team taht wants forfeit but try to see it fromt he point of view the other team got. They cant do anything against an admin so :d
ofcourse i know that :) all people have radar on admins, if admin is in team he is bad, if player brakes rules its admins fault anyway... i know that, but i have also right to defend myself.
you as an admin shouldnt support the behaviour or your teammate... rly dumb what u guys do there.. u suck anyway
It's not my case but wasn't you the one who accepted/added forfeit?
So, as an admin, you have to use your fucking brain and decide if breaking the demo rule was such a terrible and above all an irreversible thing. Of course you are obviously biased by your player-admin position so I unfortunately don't see why you would prefer to be fair, honest, smart, logical and NEUTRAL.
and 2nd rule you are breaking and you will be punished for this I'm sure.

1.5. Internal Texts

All texts written in either protest or support tickets, or written by the administrators to members of a certain league or tournament, cannot be published without the permission of the Electronic Sports League.
im so scared now ...
he cant admin his own game,

your argument is invalid
read the rules again =) replays are not accepted.
don't care about esl "rules"

just in case - game is dead enough, and decisions like this will kill this game even more

reTARD your brain
read the rules again, multiple cb banned players are not accepted. =)
yes and i follow them =) problem ?
me mad, faggots -.-
People winning like that is just a sad thing.
normally u get 3 points but no forfeit win gg
esl admins like these make ppl stop playin et - true story

-just sad
hahaha nice ESL.

You don't need to record demos when playing in GTV.
its esl, not cb mate.
+1 read rules Hirvi :) which methylon also didn't
Nothing can be done to prevent those acts of favouritism? Any special policy?
pmd like 4234 esl admins.. no one answers me
Those situations make me feel like tearing those faggots to pieces
soz, got life, we are not here for your own pleasure
cg_autoaction 7 ?
That should be enforced.
ok first of all

"so after we bashed this fucking subhumans Tohaj,kwizlord and forsaken "

You won for 1 second, thats not called bashing.

"tohaj requested the demos but zentic didnt record (ur a dickhead sry <3) and they made protest on esl cause they can't stand being analraped by us..."

A Demo of each round must be taken by each player. The replay must be saved for at least 14 days. A protest might be opened, and for cheating issues, these replays must be uploaded to the matchsheet. Replays will not be accepted!

"so after 15-20mins of discussion on esl chat they decided to give them forfeit because they had esl admin on their side..."

Kwizlord haves nothing to do with it, "ON ESL CHAT THEY DECIDED TO GIVE THEM FORFEIT" huh? the protest ticket is still opened.

"so why do we actually have to upload a demo if the game is on gamestv and it was a tzac forced serv ofc. (you can fucking request it any time tohaj) "

Read the rules again, replays are not accepted

"and i don't get why tohaj is busted on CB (til 2014) but allowed to play on ESL"
Nice english, check your facts. I am busted till 2022 not 2014. CB is not ESL!
Doesn't mean it's not lame to win like that!
yes cb is not esl and thats sad!

your just pathetic loosing an offi and then try to get the points with forfeit... better admit it or u really want to tell us that u thought 1 of them were cheating?
u lost, face it
You fucking ugly piece of shit
i seriously doubt you have any reason for requesting demo's other than getting a forfeit win...

players like you and your bad buddies are exactly what is wrong with this game.
Maybe , but at least make the rules so that these kind of things cant happen else every argument is kinda invalid.
there should be a rule on esl that players can only request a demo when there is a clear reason to ask for one. for example, if they suspect cheating, bug abuse or anything else that would require a demo.

it is quite obvious these players wouldn't have even watched the demo if he actually did have them, and it is quite obvious they are abusing the current rules on esl in order to get a forfeit win. this kind of faggotry is apparently accepted on esl, but definitely isn't accepted in this lovely community called crossfire.
Ah k, i dont read full rules so i guess the opponent can just use that as a argument then instead of this massive QQ
the only thing you need to do about it is just not make them able to abuse things like this. Its exactly the same with blocking the piratebay. We don't go to our lawmaker to stop those private companies of blocking such sites through court. Its our fault as well.

I think with enough community pressure we could change such things.
the crown of your retardness is to write "nice english" on a well written english sentence while your english is on the level of a 5 year old pre-school boy..
you suck and cant lose, match got played on gtv so why should u request a demo? go on gtv and record it yourself u lazy faggot... you're just and low and cant stand losing to med-...
hahaha:D when i saw stray replied to my comment .D so funny..

hey mate .. you forgot i owned you in 1v1 :D? 4-0 when you egoquited, now you are saying i can't lose :D look at yourself first ;)
man u cant and u know it, u suck balls! im not good on 1on1 and im playin it just for fun^^

yeah i saw you suck on 1v1, thats why you got owned =)

But l skill doesnt have anything to do with you EGO QUITING.

Well i would suck your balls if you had ones=)
well 1on1 has nothing to do with skill :) and still i would easily pwn u if im abit concentrated ;)

as i said u suck and u cant stand losing to med- while your being low+ face it
omg high :XD stray lost vs low+ .. how sad :( you can't concenwtwate :/ poor baby
you just know the rules, but you dont understand them.
i'm done.. we gonna challenge these lows again, and again.. i can just smile that they are #1 ESL 3o3 Ladder :D .. maybe just protest winning?

kk thx bb. next time on cb tohaj, oh wait.
Oh wow. ESL shows it retardness with the rules once again.
+ fucking 1
just on a sidenote, why does tohaj not have a cheater triangle, if hes busted on cb?

and more on the case, its retarded and everybody knows it, they do know it best, but ye according to the rules they have to record, even if its stupid i guess :S
What does CB have to do with cf ? tzac catches cheaters not cb =)

and 1 thing. i won vs l4z on gtv , i didn't have demos, so he won;)
as far as i remember cb admins like kb had rights to give the triangle

and to the demo thing, as i said above, its stupid, but thats the rules

and now gtfo cheater
They give the triangles to cheaters:) wich i am not.
cb says something different, wont ban for no reason
ban for multiaccs = cheater for you ?
yes obviously it is for the cb guys

and eventhough i havent seen one game of u, since i rarely see any ettv matches and i couldnt care less about random 1o1s or 3o3s, i heard of many people complaining about u, so there has to be something, and even if not, one cheater more or less, i dont give a fuck

now stop spamming me
banned because of multiacc?
you were banned on tzac my dear, sup kev2555, heker, tohja,fuckface..
nothing much you ?
Get your facts straight , i know some others whuhuha :D or not?
ofc you do :D you were there when it happened <3
this was explained i think everywhere but np ill explain again why Tohaj isn't banned on ESL and why is on CB.
He got banned on tzac i think that all knows. And that time he got banned on CB aswell coz of tzac ban. And then he had like 4 acc's while he was allready banned with 1, which makes this simple same on esl and cb 10y ban for returning while cheating. Why he is not banned on ESL? His ban expired and he wasn't banned for 10 y coz he didn't have multi accounts.
Multi account rule is = league rule not tzac rule right robaciek?
Returning while cheating/being banned (10 y ban) = league rule not tzac rule
baning policy = if ban exist player gets banned

and simple as that his ban expired, so the didnt get banned. End of story about that i think? And besides before blaming or telling that he is not banned just he is in same team, I haven't decided about tohaj's ban on ESL and that admin had damn right to not ban him.

Now about tag here? Thats the matter of CB AC admin and i think CF just got one, so go spam him for tag.
so he got banned because he cheated on tzac

now you are one big dipshit
afaik tzac is banning people and their tzac forever - permanent bans without any chance to play again on this account. how is it possible that he's still able to play on tzac on his real nickname if his account is already banned? :)

any by the way his esl account was already banned right? he's esl member since 28 June 2011 so 1 year esl ban should expire in 1 month. why did you ban this cheater for only 3 or 6 months then?
1 year? 6 months is for cheating on public server.
tohaj he didn't won, match got deleted.
they are the only people who still care about ET beside simonkinsler,fanatic and saken
and the first one on the list to being blamed
it wasn't a compliment btw
yes i know just added a thing ;)
snny: no admins are not allowed to involve or do anything what involve their team or friends.
this is how low+ wins gj guys you rock i would be so proud
why don't you request ETTV and watch the game + record then???
yea zentic is known hacker, good decision to give them forfreit..

on a sidenote: are you inbreeding down there in slovenia or why are so many retards coming from there?
And this is exactly why i started boycotting ESL. Also i find it hilarious that some people cant stand a loss, and always try for forfeit wins.

Face it - this kind of behavior is retarded - even if the rules allows this kind of idiocy.
then you did not read rules, there are no forfeits in ladders @ ESL
win like this sux man,and tohaj busted cheater!!!nice
hihihihihihihi ^^

image: kichern
Erinnert es dich nicht auch an die gute Alte Zeit wo noch stundenlang geflamed wurde ;_;
btw so It will not come to that kind of case anymore we have updated rules:

2.1. Demos

A Demo of each round must be taken by each player. The demo must be saved for at least 14 days. A protest might be opened, and for cheating issues, these replays must be uploaded to the matchsheet. Demo replays may be handed in too if the match was broadcasted via ETTV.
Quotethere should be a rule on esl that players can only request a demo when there is a clear reason to ask for one. for example, if they suspect cheating, bug abuse or anything else that would require a demo.

demos may only be requested after having given a valid reason and people may only request two demos maximum (two players max, and must specify which map)

This will further prevent laming

k thx
Ok here we go!

GunPlay won fair, that's why i will remove the protest and enter the scores.

Even tho they are being very disrespectful i am willing to do that.
Next time i hope they will read the rules more carefully and record the demos, so things like this wont be necessary.

I also agree the rules should be different, the replays from GT'V should be accepted!
The rules are now changed, I am glad they are.

When the protest is finished you can check here :

that i am not lying about the scores.

This is to all the people who think we have no sportsmanship.

You can think what you want to think. The admin gave us 2 decisions: to do a rematch or to delete a match. We picked the 3rd one(our decision)-> to enter scores as they should be!

So please stop with this stupid comments!
First you flame us because we did a protest,
now you flame us again because we deleted it!.
i think you just couldnt handle the pressure
yeah i forgot how retarded some of the people are.
says the one crying over demos
says the busted hacker...;)
no proof no win :P
how many pm did you have in your inbox ;)
like 9 only =) checking them because i am bored at school =)
ah lol its from yesterday ;)
yeh yesterday right after the offi... this morning i had 9, but since i chosed to fuck my reputation i replied :) atleast i feel good burning fanatic, artstar, stray , ne3rdje :P
inet trash talk.... ;)
stupid comments =)
QuoteThis is to all the people who think we have no sportsmanship.

You're a massive retarded cunt and after all of us pointing out, you're willing to "change your attitude" all of a sudden.

Doesnt make you any less of an immature cunt.

yes i am massive retarded cunt. happy now:x?
why would you acknowledging this please me? it doesn’t change anything.
He could've just ignored everything, so just support the sudden change of attitude since its a good change..
you are so sad it's unbelievable. I hope you fucking quit this game soon because players like you are the reason the game dies.
sadly it wont happen.
players like me ? who follow the rules ? oh yes if you follow them, the game dies. =D TRUE
players like you who take a forfeit for no reason after losing, yes you are the reason the game dies. now fuck off.
i didn't take the win, check again and fuck off =)
no but you were so desperate that the only reason you didn't was coz of getting 150 comments flaming you in a journal you sad fucker.
i rly don't care what stupid ppl think(yes you included) =) if you want i can say to the admin to delete the match=)
ok so you're right and the whole of CF is wrong? :D brainless mongol
Whole cf? bitch please:D
Quotebrainless mongol
stop being rude to yourself please =D
the last time someone took my insult and said "lol stop insulting yourself" was when i was 10 years old. grow up or at least let your brain develop.
Quote"lol stop insulting yourself"
i did not say that =)

but your brain can't develope since you are brainless =)
I called you a brainless mongol and you said: "stop being rude to yourself please =D"

meaning you are trying to turn my insult on me. jesus fuck you're so retarded.
no sir, you called yourself brainless mongol.

you did NOT, i repeat NOT say : tohaj you are a brainless mongol.
so bitch please:D not my fault you are mad.. oh wait it is :D haha
whatever you say. everyone who is reading your shit knows you are a brainless mongol hehe :)
yes i agree
Quoteyou are a brainless mongol

hehe :)

oh mongols reading shit :D? n1
cheaters really have got mental issues.
cheaters=D that would be me ? tell me if i cheat please :P
haha i didn't know that guy is THAT dense really :D
'follow the rules', you mean use the rules when you lost, eventho the rules linked to this case have nothing to do with the match itself, bad loser, that's all.

anyway, i read somewhere that you gave up and just entered the score, so nvm
giving up after so much attention was brought to his pathetic actions. if he wasn't getting flamed by everyone on CF he would sit with the forfeit and be proud. :D
Yes i gave up with the retardnes of cf ppl, i am so sad right now, i am crying and to make you feel sorry for me i entered scores. There is no way i can just leave crossfire or the internet and return to my real life , NO WAY! thats my only chance but to give up because ppl say i am a retard.

This is my box of how much i care about this : |_|

Oh look its empty!
i cant even remember what i just read, means that it's worth shit, thanks for the reply anyway and np for the tag
not my fault your brains can't remember what r you reading =).
Np wanted to delete it anyways =DD
whatever, have a nice day :)
you to sir =)
:D enter the scores on gtv as well, thanks.
Tohaj = new Switzerland GABRI22
Rures are rules. You have to record demo. Is it so hard to understand?
The only motivation for this rule is because of cheaters. If there is a gamestv match who the hell CARES. In this case its obviously being a faggot who can't handle losing.
Still. People shoud be punished for not following the rules!
Rules like bieing a dick, not allowing others to pick side, not allowing others to pick map: yeah

Not for winning fair and square on live 'television'
I have to disagree, but thats just my opinion.
You'd make a very good cop: stubborn and unable to see beyond rules/facts.
well thats not true. I could easily continue with the protest, but i decided to cancel it.
because of the crossfire post and the hate you are getting. Without this post you wouldn't have done anything and would've continued being a dick.

you're just a dick, face it.
yes i have a dick, you don't face it it :D
n1 covering your face while looking down searching for you dick:D
Your inbred parents failed at giving you the slighest piece of education.
then we have the same ones =)
Well thank you.
ET players are retarded

oh wait.. :(
:D normal process deal with it ESL admins did it right.
B_beginround record
b_endround stoprecord
cg_autoaction 7
the real shame is once again the ignorance of esl to not accept bans from foreign leagues. absolutely pathetic cheater policy - especially if one of the admins is playing with a 10y banned mongol.
If i am not baned on tzac, why should i be banned on esl for cheating? doesn't make sence.
just dont play assholes like tohaj -- THIS
admins cant admin their own game, rules are clear that a demo must be recorded and gtv replays cant be used.

so whats the prob? read the rules before you play so you dont break them.
sadly but most of the idiots on cf do not understand that.
you should claim a forfeit that the team is playing with a retard who is 5 times banned in CB also note that ESL ADMIN who shouldn't play with cheaters and should give an example to other players, is playing in one team with him. it's ridiculous :D
Any proof i cheated =)? no, so please stop failing=D
that shows i am banned on clanbase, didn't you know admins can ban you for no reason ? TZAC catches cheaters not CB.

My clean TZAC says enough , of me not cheating.
Quote by ToHajdidn't you know admins can ban you for no reason ?

Quote by ClanbaseUser ToHaj
Cheat type Cheating (aimbot, wallhack, spiked models, ...)
Description Caught by SLAC // Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)
Quote by TohajAny proof i cheated =)?
so i've just given you proofs that you cheated.
can i see your proof thats my acc ? no, so stfu
seveda lahko benajo brez razloga glej


pa ze 2tedna cakam da me unbanajo :D retardi
js cakam 6 mescov da mi na ticket odg. ce se zameris adminu dobis ban:)
eh eh to ni nc, my story is

cist en ta 3t je citov in mene benajo:D ceprov ma model cb account/tzac ...... XD

o glej en model je citov iz slovenije, gremo cirila benat ! :D
about opponent's bust you should care before the match, now this is just whine. and your mate must record demo also, so this is stupid, but still i understand your point and think you should keep attacking ESL and get your somewhat acceptable result.
#edrama ftw
I miss these types of journals
More comments please
working on it!!!

hi goku
hoi fritsie! ^,^
showing me the nose??
I don't get it :(
two eyes and a nose
yes this was a 3 star match, it deserves alot of comments :P
Haha shut up motherfucker
yes i did fuck yourr mom:P
rule is rule...... so dont cry like a baby for a low+ match
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