Someone got spare demos, please?

Not a SC2 journal for once. I'd like to see if I still got it moviemaking-wise but I don't have any good demos at my disposal. So if you have a handful of demos you would like to give me, I'd be very thankful if you'd pm me.

There are two possible outcomes: I will finish a clip that I won't share without your consent or (more likely) I will abandon it and it will never see the light of day and noone will ever find out you sent me demos. Either way, I won't make you look bad and neither wil youl have your name attached to something you don't approve of.

Bonus points if they're already tagged with times and are high class.
And me as the mixer? Songs?:Z
I'd just play around with tracks and see what fits best in the end.
Rock or Dubstep.

Never try'd Dance, Hardstyle or Hardcore music.
Try it.
I've made movies (or at least attempted to) before and I'm convinced I have a good idea about what works and what doesn't.
Goodluck :p
Oh god, you're such an idiot, claiming that you know anything about moviemaking, why the fuck don't you listen to his advice, at least he's made dozens of good clips before, and they were all top notch, editing, quality and music-wise.
Here I am, berating shitty moviemakers for their poor choice in music for years now, although I haven't even been schooled bAnga yet. My mistake, won't happen again.
You should try some of his mixes or even some tracks he produced, they're quite exquisite.
what's the smallest spree ?

3 man kill ?
Anything that looks cool or aesthetically pleasing.
ok ,where should i send them ?
give me xfire or smth
You either upload them somewhere (rapidshare etc) or hattfatt @ skype.
Good luck, Julian.
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