PDF documents / presentations

hello guys,

how do you create your pdf presentations? do you use photshop only or are you using any special programs? if yes, could you name them? are you creating your background manualy or do you use free templates / backgrounds? if yes, could you share the links with me?

thanks for reading.
presentations => open office impress
pdf => open office writer
please respond
pdf creator allows to "print" as .pdf out of almost every programe
any multi page PDF can be played as a slideshow from within Adobe Reader. You can make PDFs from photoshop or word (etc). Adobe Reader Pro is good or plenty of third party apps. You can create a page template in pdf and create JPEGs from it. http://creativebits.org/acrobat/create_a_pdf_presentation_from_photoshop
i use doPDF, works like a charm & its freeware
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