PL LAN:Pros and Cons+tips
10 Jun 2012, 13:40
Since the lan is closer and closer and we know more and more details it's time to remind you all undecided bastards about WHY YOU SHOULD COME!
-Expensive travel
Eventhough you can always find some cheap flight tickets, the distance to lan is an important factor. Enschede's biggest advantage was fact that it was in car distance for most of the players
-If you come by car, it might get stolen
Can happen to you in Enschede to but more likely to happen in Poland
Pros (one big, one small):
-Everything is cheaper
Compare to Europe everything is cheap as hell. Some examples:
pack of cigs:3 euro tops
beer in pub:1-2 euro (depending on pub, happy hours and all that crap)
beer in store:less than 1 euro (and before anyone says shit, you can get decent beer, really decent!)
Accomodation=like 15e for room for 2 so 7,50e each
-chance to meet some bigmouth internet polaks
quite clear, no need to elaborate on that :P if you have grudge against me, come and say it to my face!
-Krakow is quite beautiful
Since people there didn't fight with germans during WW2 (instasurender and shit) the city itself is quite beautiful with lots of old building and shit. Also quite a lot of clubs/pubs there and all near citycenter so go enjoy them ;) (ladies dig the UK accent hint hint R0SS)
Travel tips:
If you come by car no real tip I can give you, however if you fly then the tip is:check flights to Warsaw and Katowice, not Krakow only. They might be cheaper than flight to Krakow and you can get there by train. Trip from Katowice is about 2h and will cost you 5e tops. Trip from Warsaw is 3h and will cost you 15 e. Might also try Rzeszow which is also 3h by train from Krakow for 10e, not sure if anything flies there though :D
Make up your mind and cu@lan :)
After lan, me+Turki are going to Woodstock, if anyone is up for adventure, join us!
-Expensive travel
Eventhough you can always find some cheap flight tickets, the distance to lan is an important factor. Enschede's biggest advantage was fact that it was in car distance for most of the players
-If you come by car, it might get stolen
Can happen to you in Enschede to but more likely to happen in Poland
Pros (one big, one small):
-Everything is cheaper
Compare to Europe everything is cheap as hell. Some examples:
pack of cigs:3 euro tops
beer in pub:1-2 euro (depending on pub, happy hours and all that crap)
beer in store:less than 1 euro (and before anyone says shit, you can get decent beer, really decent!)
Accomodation=like 15e for room for 2 so 7,50e each
-chance to meet some bigmouth internet polaks
quite clear, no need to elaborate on that :P if you have grudge against me, come and say it to my face!
-Krakow is quite beautiful
Since people there didn't fight with germans during WW2 (instasurender and shit) the city itself is quite beautiful with lots of old building and shit. Also quite a lot of clubs/pubs there and all near citycenter so go enjoy them ;) (ladies dig the UK accent hint hint R0SS)
Travel tips:
If you come by car no real tip I can give you, however if you fly then the tip is:check flights to Warsaw and Katowice, not Krakow only. They might be cheaper than flight to Krakow and you can get there by train. Trip from Katowice is about 2h and will cost you 5e tops. Trip from Warsaw is 3h and will cost you 15 e. Might also try Rzeszow which is also 3h by train from Krakow for 10e, not sure if anything flies there though :D
Make up your mind and cu@lan :)
After lan, me+Turki are going to Woodstock, if anyone is up for adventure, join us!
-if you are black or jew you are gonna get killed
Krakow is an awesome city indeed!
- if u r black u r gonna be simply eated
Its during my summerjob tho, will have to check if I can get two days off.
Will have to check that with my boss (holiday work and stuff).
Also, I dont feel like playing ET at the moment, would rather go there to meet people and have fun which, in this case, would be a little hard since the most people there are polaks I dont even know.
Visiting the city would be nice tho, just dont know if I want to do that during my holidayjob and without my gf.
- overall a lovely place
lan is in cracow actually = ur point retard about katowice?
since iam a nice guy i always help brainless ppl to understand :> np
Paid 150€ for the whole event in enschede (hotel etc)
GL finding something under 80 €
also if you would read the journal I added flight costs among CONS
~155e for 1600km