iPhone/itunes question

Hello Anonymous-,

Today i received my new iPhone 4s, but after figuring almost everything out, I still don't know what program i should use to find and download music and convert it to itunes and finally to my iphone. Anybody, who could help me out with this and could pass me an url where to download music.

Thanks in advance.

use any program to dl it frostwire torrents youtube to mp3 bla bla bla then -> import to itunes -> plug in iphone -> load on music -> sync -> listen to music on iphone -> happyface
using frostwire, people can only scam you when you give your card number? otherwise nothing can happen, can it?
uhh why would you give frostwire your cc#? XDDDDD doesn't require you to buy anything ^_^ :)
just put the mp3 in your iphone with this : http://www.i-funbox.com/
Get a phone on which you don't have to deal with iTunes, damn that thing is horrible.
I think it's great
no, apple is shit, u deal with it
Download the Spotify App, pay a monthly fee to listen to fuckloads of music on your phone.
iTunes can convert everything you have to AAC
Make sure you click "manual transfer music" or w/e it is called on the main screen of your phone page on iTunes.
Just buy it on iTunes lol
sell the fucking iPhone and buy Samsung galaxy s2/3 there u don't need shit like iTunes
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