How to stream?

Hello guys! I know some of you are streaming and I want to know how to. 4h00 here and i'm a bit lazy to search by myself and I know I will need your help so Noorgrien & co, a tuto would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance :)
What would u like to stream?
HoN. It's mainly for fun you know. I'm not a pro at HoN
set up xsplit + own3d accounts
log in in xsplit / own3d
click add game / add screen region and see your game go there
start broadcast
you're streaming
Takes some settings at xsplit in order to run the stream smoothly.
thats content for another journal
it kinda fits in the topic "How to stream"
go to and post your connection speed.
Connection speed................. wat
Having enough upload speed is quite vital tbh :P
Isn't it supposed to be speed connection? Or is my English trolling me? :P
I "think" that both are viable.
Parent with LiveStream Procaster is the easiest way
first you need an account on a streaming website, i personally prefer twitch but i believe owned is alright too. then download xsplit, make an account there too.
the settings at xspilt are simple go to tools - general settings - channels - click on your channel and then edit.
here you have some settings that you need to change. on location put the closest to yours.
the video encoding settings really depends on your computer specs and your upload rate so i can say some general settings to put here but the is the possibility that they wont work. you dont need to change the preset setting, only if you have a really good pc you can change that to fast or fastest.
quality put it at 8 and max bitrate put 500kbps below your upload rate.
then go test your bandwidth until you get green, if you get yellow on the first tries just lower your bitrate.
last setting that you need to check is the framerate put it at 25 if you pc can handle it.
i hope this helped you, if you have anymore questions just ask.
Thank you for all your answer, downloading all stuff and will give you back more info. if someone wanna see my stream and give feedback plz !
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