avidemo problem


I got problem with making screenshots of ingame footage. I'm using ag0n's config edited by my mate saddam and the problem is when I start recording with following binds, in virtualdub and so on clip is like in 'slow-motion'. Even tried to record with timescale 2 but it didn't helped, not sure if it should, it's first time I try to make movie by myself and any kind of help is welcome.

bind F1 "timescale 1;cl_avidemo 100" // Starts Capture
bind F2 "timescale 0;cl_avidemo 0" // Stops Capture

(at first I was recording with avidemo 1 as it was orginaly in config but someone told me that I should put it to 100 but it didn't helped anyway)
here it how it looks like on clip:

speak to ag0n himself, he knows everything about image :) + I advise you use the most recent image, if you aren't already (with this you set the img_captureFps XX + cl_avidemo 1)
I had the same problem aswell
couldnt fix the problem but now i got raiven and he is doing it for me<3
using image et?
well with image ET you don't really need to put 100 in the cl_avidemo, 1 and 100 is the same thing for this. it all depends on your img_CaptureFPS or whatever that command is so that explains why you saw no difference.
what is your FPS set to for image ET and vdub?
vdub was 30 and in image it was 25 i belive
the thing is, img_capturefps defines how many fps are used at capturing, so cl_avidemo must be 1 for capturing while using image-et, in virtualdub you should use the same fps as you used at recording
just ask ag0n for help, he knows more about it than anyone especially since it's his cfg that was edited and he's really nice guy

and he can tell difference between frostbite and supply
looks fine cant see no problem
if ur using image et this is what u should be using

bind F1 "timescale 1;cl_avidemo 1;img_capturefps 100" // Starts Capture
bind F2 "timescale 0;cl_avidemo 0" // Stops Capture

then search for the screenshots and edit the frame rate so its the same as in image et (in ur case 100fps in et means 100fps in image et)

dunno why 100fps tho, if u wanna make an avi 90fps is better for a 30fps for 50fps movie u should do 150fps
I think you should try what seareal said

then search for the screenshots and edit the frame rate so its the same as in image et

Haven't made movies for ages, but that solved the problem for me when I started moviemaking.

Somewhere in the tutorialsection there should still be a very basic moviemaking tut i wrote. If you have other questions, I can always try to help :)
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