best ripping software

Whats the best software to use for ripping files to dvd and vice versa
mpeg - dvd rip
for music - advanced cd ripper pro, its best imo !
Nice talking out of your arse, Maciek. Exact Audio Copy (EAC) is hands-down the best software for ripping/encoding audio.
I still prefer using CDex and Lame 3.96. Alt-preset extreme for the win!
Lame 3.96, easiest and best imo. (:
btw nero didn't work well
[16:21:05] [vslags`eVo]: need to know what is the best software to use when ripping mpeg to dvd pm me plz

spammer (=
i do that with Nero 7, dunno if thats professional but it works fine :)

I think you're incorrectly using the term "ripping", if I'm understanding you right. I assume you mean converting an MPEG to an AVI? A DVD rip is usually a DivX/Xvid encoded rip of a full DVD, you can't rip to a DVD, you can rip from a DVD (and then encode it). Therefore when you say "mpeg - dvd rip" I assume you mean converting an MPEG to an AVI, just look for a video conversion tool.
DVD Decrypter Best imo! And its free!
Quoteripping files to dvd

is that pro English? or am I retard :[
what a question :D
Ultra DVD Creator rox!
if you mean encoding video files like avi onto a dvd try nerovisionexpress
Dvd decrypter (File, IFO or ISO possibility) then together with the AutoGK to rip them into avis works best for me.
ok for clarification the files are in mpeg format and for some reason nero crashes when trying to burn onto a dvd. Need a conversaion tool to change an MPEG format file into DVD format so that it can then be burnt on DVD
do u want the files to be shown on a dvd player or just store them on a dvd so that u can watch them with some mpeg player?
That's like trying to convert an mp3 into FLAC, it's not possible. You cannot convert compressed video into uncompressed video. Just convert it to AVI, most DVD players will play AVI files nowadays.
CDex is nice.
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