ClanBase ET: You Decide!

image: kHlYr34

So, I've had plenty of conversations in the past few weeks with various players regarding the current maplists for ET cups and ladders. There have also been several journals on the subject recently, as you may or may not have noticed. I must admit that I haven't been paying too much attention to the majority of the comments in these journals. This is why I am writing this journal. Now is the time for your voice to be heard! Tell us how you feel about maps & more!

Please read all of my points very carefully and describe exactly how you feel about each one. Do you agree? Why or why not? How strongly do you feel about it? Any suggestions? Lengthy comments are welcome! Please explain yourself using logic and reasoning instead of simply typing "yes" or "no". Criticism without proper explanation is not very useful and will most likely be ignored.

Let's begin!

  • erdenberg_t1

    This new "test" version of erdenberg was released by Finland sani in a journal he posted in April. While I haven't actually played the map yet, the changes shown in the screenshots look rather promising.

    What do you think? Should we add the map to the ladder maplists? Which one(s)? 2on2 and 3on3? 6on6? Would you actually play it? I personally don't think the map is ready for cups [yet], but perhaps we will consider adding it for ladders.

    Check it out - the journal can be found here, and the map can be downloaded here.

  • Ladder Maplists

    Each ladder maplist is currently 8 maps. We plan to add 2 new maps to each one, bringing the total to 10. Is that enough, or should there be 12 maps per ladder? Keep in mind that the number of maps should be an even number.

    2on2 Ladder
    Current maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

    New maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 erdenberg_t1 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base

    3on3 Ladder
    Current maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

    New maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 erdenberg_t1 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base

    6on6 Ladder
    Current maplist: adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite missile_b3 radar supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te

    New maplist: adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite karsiah_te2 missile_b3 radar sos_secret_weapon supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te

    Do you agree with these changes? Should any maps be removed? How do you feel about sw_battery? And sos_secret_weapon? Which other maps would you like to see added? Would you actually play the new maps?

  • SummerCup 2013

    The EC/OC maplists usually include only 6 maps. The SC 2013 season will probably feature an 8-map maplist. Is that fine, or should there be 10 maps?

    In the SC 2012 season, the format was Playoffs-only with double elimination. How did you like that? Should we do the same thing this time, or do you prefer a Groupstage followed by single-elimination Playoffs?

    3on3 SC
    adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

    6on6 SC
    adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite karsiah_te2 missile_b3 radar supply sw_goldrush_te

    Do you like these maplists? Should any changes be made?

  • 2on2 ET

    Do you play 2on2? Would you like to see a 2on2 OC in the Fall 2013 season? Will your team actually sign up and participate?

  • Dropouts and Noshows

    It's no secret that the past few cup seasons have been riddled with dropouts and noshows, despite our best efforts to attempt to keep things interesting and motivate teams to remain active. Why is this? What can be done to prevent it? I personally would rather have less signups and 0 dropouts/noshows than lots of signups and many dropouts/noshows. Do you agree?

  • 1on1 Ladders

    There is currently a 1on1 speed ladder on ClanBase. Did you know that? Are you interested in competing on the ladder? Which maps should be on the maplist?

    What if we re-opened the 1on1 stopwatch/objective ladder? ESL used to have a semi-active 1on1 ladder, but the league is no longer supporting ET. There were quite a few signups for the recent one.more 1on1 cup as well. Should we bring the ladder back? Would you play on it? Which maps should be on the maplist?

  • Ladder Activity Challenge

    What did you think of the Ladder Activity Challenge? Should there be another one? Would you and your team participate? Which format? 6on6 again or something different?

  • Prizes

    Should prizes be awarded at ClanBase for EC/NC winners? What about for OC? Ladders? Will you play more actively if there are prizes offered? Why?

  • Questions, Comments, and Suggestions

    Is there anything not mentioned above that you'd like to ask about or comment on? What's on your mind? How can we improve what we are doing for ET at ClanBase?

That's it! Please take your time and remember to respond to each section. Your opinions and feedback are important to us. Thank you!

I've stickied this and plan to check it often and reply to as many comments as possible. Please forgive me for how rough it looks at the moment, as it's kinda late here and I'm tired! I might edit it and add more tomorrow (Sunday)!

image: v95vzeO
I don't know about erdenberg_t1, so I can't give you my opinion on that.

Yes, expand the W:ET maplist to a total of 12 maps. Why would you limit the amount of maps that are allowed to be played? It doesn't harm anybody if you would expand this maplist to like 12 or 14 maps, but have a smaller maplist existing out of 8-10 maps in for instance EC/NC/OC.

2o2 Ladder - I'd also like to see et_ufo back in the 2o2 mappool. So then you would only need 1 map.

3o3 Ladder - Maybe also get et_ufo back in the mappool, it's not a very wanted map, but it's actually fun playing it.

6o6 Ladder - I'd like to see a return of sos_secret_weapon on the 6o6 mappool together with karsiah_te2. Maybe also add reactor and fueldump to this mappool. Doing this would force teams to practice more often on the different types of maps.

For the OC/EC maplist expand it with another 2 maps, but have it shorter than the actual ladder mappool. But rotate the OC/EC mappool each season with different maps.

I'd sign up for the 2o2 ET OC if ViKO is avi.

Yes you should also promote the 1o1 speed ladder and 1o1 objective ladder. This will definitely be played no matter what. ESL doesn't offer the 1o1 ESL ladder anymore, so I don't know why you didn't get this ladder immediately after ESL dropped ET in the first place.

Of course prizes sh ould be awarded to EC/NC winners. It's only hard for an organization to get prizes in a game that is not that wanted anymore. GL tho.
The only issue with having 12+ maps in a maplist is that elimination takes a bit longer, but I guess that's not much of a problem.

I don't mind adding et_ufo as well, but like you said we would have to add another map as well. Which map should we add? I can't really think of any other decent 2on2/3on3 maps.

Maybe reactor, but fueldump? :P We'll see.

I prefer a smaller EC/OC maplist of 6 or 8 maps since these cups are a bit more "serious" than SC and ladders. Plus, maps are forced for the Groupstage, so it would bring quite some flame if we forced all teams to play a "different" map like secretweapon or sw_battery, for example. In Fall 2013, we'll probably have 6 maps for EC and 8 maps for OC.

Good! Now get 31 other teams to sign up for the 2on2 OC as well, and we'll consider running it. :P

It's a lot of work to set up a new ladder on ClanBase (maps, rules, etc.), so that's why it wasn't done "immediately". I will hopefully be discussing it with the Chiefs in the next few weeks or so. Which maps/rules would you like to see on the 1on1 stopwatch/objective ladder?

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of prizes myself, especially if they don't help the game's activity level much at all or if they go to the same teams and players every time. We'll see!

Thanks for the feedback.
well someone obviously had an unforgettable saturday evening :D
Hehe :P Boredom at its finest!
Remove supply and grush from 3on3 so new maps would DEFINITELY be played... OR force the map on the rounds (1st map erdenberg_t1, next loser's pick).
Removing supply and grush will definitely result in less officials played.
Forcing maps on an official works the same as above. Why would one want to play an official if he cant even choose his own map?
speaking of OC / SC, not the ladder. Then you have 1 week or even more to practice on said map that is forced and if you can't even do that then i am sorry, you are an indefinite 1map fag who can't play any other maps.
For some reason I picked up that you were implying on the ladder matches.
This praccing for 1 week for the upcoming new map has been in the past and hell, it might even be in the lower leagues at the moment. But when it comes down to the so called "top team(s)", then there's noone to prac against even if some peeps wanted to.
Easy victory then, because the "top teams" probably don't even know what the obj is or how to play at all on that map. Practicing against a little worse ppl is better than not practicing at all.
Better for everyone, 1 map wonders will drop out sooner.
I just dont see rockit or whatever losing to some of the lower skilled players on any map :D
Yeah freeze, you indefinite 1 map fag who can't play any other maps. Go back to ET academy plz
how to kill the game, POV Hing
We will never remove supply or goldrush from the maplists as that's a bit silly.

Maps are already forced in the Groupstage of our cups, but perhaps we will consider forcing different ones in the future.
Ladders would be cool without tc_base.

Summercup 2013
I'd like to see something like SC 3on3 2010
braundorf_b4 (Out!)
sp_delivery_te (Out! cancer!)
et_ufo (I don't believe in ufos. Don't like the map but still want to play it)

SC 6on6
-That looks good! My favourite map and our homemap, missile_b3 ftw
I'm not too familiar with te_escape2 (lol newschool lol). Was it popular back then? Lots of people like delivery, so we'll probably keep that one in. Maybe we'll remove braundorf from cups, though.

Yeah, I don't really like tc_base much either, but which map(s) would you replace it with in the 2on2 & 3on3 ladders? I don't mind adding et_ufo - pretty cool map.

Yep! I like missile. It will probably be in the 6on6 OC Fall 2013 maplist.

Thanks for the feedback.
te_escape's pretty great and still actively played in rtcw, one of the few fast paced maps.
Can you find me a link to the map along with screenshots and/or an explanation of it? I don't have much experience with it. :P
Ever played RtCW single player? It's literally.. the first map.
Nope! I'll take a look though, thanks.
it is a very nice map and i'd definitely would like to see it played in future competition
We'll see! :)
sos_secret_weapon nice
Yes you should also promote the 1o1 speed ladder and 1o1 objective ladder. This will definitely be played no matter what. ESL doesn't offer the 1o1 ESL ladder anymore, so I don't know why you didn't get this ladder immediately after ESL dropped ET in the first place.
Don't think anyone is interested in playing 1o1 objective ladder vs u <3
Elviss, king of leaning! :D
cb rules are too annoying

allowing selfkill on obj map is a pain in the ass

cba playing ctf well for 30mins again
I agree with you! Selfkilling in 1on1 matches is kinda dumb - we'll probably disallow it if the ladder comes back. Which maps would you like to see in the maplist?
The same as we ran on our last cup with one soilder.
Sounds good!
well i dont think i would play that again ( didnt even play the last 1v1 cups )

but i guess old mappool + osiris and the_station ( the first one is pretty good but the 2nd one is always tight )
This is what I had in mind:

badplace4_rc ctf_multi ctf_well_v2 mp_sillyctf tournementdm2 valhalla2_beta3

It's the same maplist as the recent 1on1 cup except for mp_sillyctf instead of osiris_final.
Should leave osiris, got quite stable among the 1on1's lately.
Maybe! I like sillyctf though, and that's what we had last time the ladder was open. :P
i didnt play badplace

and i dont know why these polish guys did new beta or version for valhalla / ctf well etc, never met a single problem there, they were fine ( dont even know what they could add ) but it pissed me off already and couldnt motivate myself to play the cup due to these change
It used to be called multi_huntplace if you're familiar with that map.

The new versions are actually pretty decent and more balanced for the most part. Some health pickups were added which help make things more interesting!

there were 4 health spot on the normal version already

well whatever, for me its like making supply_t1 or whatever u want to call it, its non sense
Fair enough. :)
We'll see! Which maps would you prefer for the 1on1 stopwatch/objective ladder?
vallhala/ctf multi/tournament/ctf_well/osiris/multi_huntplace and mp_sillyctf :-D and maybe ET_headshot :D?
Sounds good - the maplist will be similar to that.
no, no, no, pls everything but not sw_battery and missle...

+add 1o1 ladders.
missile is like one of best 6on6 maps, only the last stage might need some tweaking, but otherwise its definitely one of the best 6on6 maps.
sw_battery is playable if you cant plant mines at backway(at least to narrow chokepoint before cp)
I just dont like big maps where "battle places" are relatively small(comparing to map) and are far away from each other.
missle is too big and got too many stages to be entertaining for me. and battery hmmm... I hate it since I played ET for first time in 2005 :P.
I just have more fun playing/watching 3o3/6o6+radar maps.
but its opinion based on my personal experiences not on playability or other essential arguments ;)
missile is fucking awesome, play some 6on6 instead of NBS before fiedling your opinion
no no no sp_delivery is fucking awesome
I like missile! Which maps would you prefer to see instead?
Instead of Karsiah add SW_Oasis, the rest looks ok I think.

Don't be p*ssy if people flame you, that looks promising!
Why would u remove one of the best maps Karsiah rofl, rather remove sos or even battery if its ever getting in the mapppol and add oasis instead, but Karsiah should stay.
Lets keep both karsiah and oasis? =)
Would actually love that tbh.
Oasis seems to be one of those maps which has been re-introduced dozens of times and has never caught on. :P Do you really think teams would play it? And what's wrong with karsiah?!
sos_secret_weapon is a rly good and competitive map but i think that library can be added to on ladder as test for next OC
I don't think library is played any more, but I could be wrong. Maybe we can (re-)add it to the ladder maplists, not sure about OC though.
Secret_weapon and karsiah are really good, I'm looking forward to see them on the cups.
I'd like to add missile on the list really, it's also really good.
How about the maps that were on the TLR map contest? Pirate etcetera
We already have missile in the 6on6 ladder maplist! The upcoming 6on6 SC as well as the 6on6 OC Fall 2013 will most likely both feature it in their maplists as well.

Do people still play/enjoy those maps (pirates, tounine, etc.)? As far as I remember, the contest was a bit of a failure.
Well I only remember pirate and it was a bit of weird map tbh, but I'd like to test the other maps personally now and see if they have something good in there so we could go on and fix their bad parts as a community.
We'll probably be adding missile, karsiah, secretweapon, and reactor. :)
adding karshia and missile is awesome, good job CB !

Btw I'm sure that the map "password" could be played in cups, would be fun :)
Agreed, thanks!

Interesting. :P I've played password on public etpub/jaymod servers, but never tried it in competition. Has it ever been played in etpro?
I don't know :P
Okay, fair enough :P
Showmatch incoming? :)
Maybe! I was thinking about some kind of showmatch for the new erdenberg actually. :P
inarguably best 3on3 map et_ufo forever ignored..
this man knows
I knew you were gonna say that! Don't worry, we will consider including it. :P
it looks great
Need more screenshots and a better explanation of the map/objective(s)!
Nice decisions ohurcool.

Your choices are great, nothing to add. Erdenberg_b3 modifications were pretty shit, this new version should be better!
About prizes, keep in mind only 2/3 teams can reach first place, I'm not sure many players will show up. But prizes for cups are always welcome, maybe we should think about another way to attribute them so that more players will participate.

Yep, the newest version looks pretty decent from what I've seen so far.

I am personally opposed to catering to players who are only attracted to prizes, especially if it's the same ones winning the prizes each time. I would much rather offer prizes in ways which will also somehow help the game's activity level as well (such as the Ladder Activity Challenge mentioned above). We'll see!

This new "test" version of erdenberg was released by Finland sani in a journal he posted in April. While I haven't actually played the map yet, the changes shown in the screenshots look rather promising.

What do you think? Should we add the map to the ladder maplists? Which one(s)? 2on2 and 3on3? 6on6? Would you actually play it? I personally don't think the map is ready for cups [yet], but perhaps we will consider adding it for ladders.

Not for 6on6. Its a too small map for it. But I think its a decent 3on3 map.

Ladder Maplists

Each ladder maplist is currently 8 maps. We plan to add 2 new maps to each one, bringing the total to 10. Is that enough, or should there be 12 maps per ladder? Keep in mind that the number of maps should be an even number.

2on2 Ladder
Current maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

New maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 erdenberg_t1 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base
I havent followed 2on2 since u dropped it out of OC but removing supply and gr would make good impact coz it was fucking always doublefullhold. There wasnt any point of playing those 2 maps.... So if u remove GR you have to remove supply also

3on3 Ladder
Current maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

New maplist: adlernest braundorf_b4 erdenberg_t1 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base

6on6 Ladder
Current maplist: adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite missile_b3 radar supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te

New maplist: adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite karsiah_te2 missile_b3 radar sos_secret_weapon supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te

Do you agree with these changes? Should any maps be removed? How do you feel about sw_battery? And sos_secret_weapon? Which other maps would you like to see added? Would you actually play the new maps?

tbh doesnt matter what maps u add or remove unless they are supply and GR. ppl will just play them all the time. I dont have any idea why people doesnt like to play maps like sos_secret_weapon or whatever else. Im sick of supply/gr combo always. I would like to see supply removed totally from pool :D I have a feeling that if u remove them from pool ppl stop playing ladders :D so fuck this shit.

SummerCup 2013

The EC/OC maplists usually include only 6 maps. The SC 2013 season will probably feature an 8-map maplist. Is that fine, or should there be 10 maps?

In the SC 2012 season, the format was Playoffs-only with double elimination. How did you like that? Should we do the same thing this time, or do you prefer a Groupstage followed by single-elimination Playoffs?
Groupstage for more games. The problem is that some nerds finds life suddenly and booom that dropouts. Thats a shit problem.
3on3 SC
adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

6on6 SC
adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite karsiah_te2 missile_b3 radar supply sw_goldrush_te

Do you like these maplists? Should any changes be made?
for 6on6 remove supply and goldrush. I remember that some years ago SC was cup for testing maps (was it any success?) Would like to see maps like sos_secret, sw_oasis and sw_battery<3 But then comes again the problem that these last ET nerds doesnt like these maps.
Edit: Crevasse_b3/whatever was final
I remember this being good map. Could give a try

2on2 ET

Do you play 2on2? Would you like to see a 2on2 OC in the Fall 2013 season? Will your team actually sign up and participate?
This was lots of fun why was it removed????

Dropouts and Noshows

It's no secret that the past few cup seasons have been riddled with dropouts and noshows, despite our best efforts to attempt to keep things interesting and motivate teams to remain active. Why is this? What can be done to prevent it? I personally would rather have less signups and 0 dropouts/noshows than lots of signups and many dropouts/noshows. Do you agree?
I think prices would keep motivating playing. I dont know what the fuck is problem with ppl who doesnt have any chances to advance to playoffs so they dropout. I think we play atleast somehow in joy of the game and not just winning

1on1 Ladders

There is currently a 1on1 speed ladder on ClanBase. Did you know that? Are you interested in competing on the ladder? Which maps should be on the maplist?

What if we re-opened the 1on1 stopwatch/objective ladder? ESL used to have a semi-active 1on1 ladder, but the league is no longer supporting ET. There were quite a few signups for the recent one.more 1on1 cup as well. Should we bring the ladder back? Would you play on it? Which maps should be on the maplist?
Doubt there would be any harm opening them?

Ladder Activity Challenge

What did you think of the Ladder Activity Challenge? Should there be another one? Would you and your team participate? Which format? 6on6 again or something different?

This was nice but I was disappointed how few clans took actually part of it (including us Finland). I think it boosted 6on6 activity but only for those 4 clans who played vs each others. I would like to see 3on3 activity challenge but 1st remove those fucking cheater lovers out of ladder.


Should prizes be awarded at ClanBase for EC/NC winners? What about for OC? Ladders? Will you play more actively if there are prizes offered? Why?

Like I said I think it would boost motivation to play till end of the cups. You should also reward atleast 2nd not just the winner. If ppl sees example Rockit signing up they might think "well fuck it no point of play they will win anyway lol". There should be also somekind of reward in 3on3 and 6on6 ladder. Not just that activity challenge stuff.

Questions, Comments, and Suggestions

Is there anything not mentioned above that you'd like to ask about or comment on? What's on your mind? How can we improve what we are doing for ET at ClanBase?

Personally I feel ridiculous that those banned players(sw1ruz) keep coming back and openly plays lots of offis with ppl who know he is banned. This is just so fucking retarded and should be changed and those people punished.
I think cups is the only way to keep ET somehow alive.

BRING SpaindoneX back!!!!111111oneone
QuoteI remember that some years ago SC was cup for testing maps (was it any success?)

2010 season; caen, dubrovnik and sw_oasis in groupstage
2009 missile and secret weapon
2008 battery
rofl donex.

@[CB]doneX: crittie has a yellow card now
Yeah, I don't think we'll be adding it to the 6on6 maplists.

We will never remove supply or goldrush!

The 2on2 OC was discontinued due to the extreme number of dropouts and noshows. It was getting to the point where over half the games were noshows! Get more teams and players interested in playing 2on2, and we'll bring it back. :P

I agree and was also a bit disappointed at the low number of teams that participated and games that were played. The 3on3 ladder is already active enough, so I'm not sure if it's the best idea to run the challenge in that format.

Yeah, I can see how it might be a bit demotivating to try to compete in a cup in which Ri or some similarly-skilled team is participating, especially if there are prizes involved. The problem with prizes for the 3on3 ladder is that there are just so many teams regularly using mercs, sharing lineups, etc.

I understand your frustration, but like I've told you before we simply cannot ban players without sufficient proof. However, it may please you to hear that their teams (talking about upload, wassabi, and azpiliqueta) are currently serving a 1-month suspension on the 3on3 ladder. :P

I disagree with you! Ladders are important as well, arguably even more important than cups.

Thanks for the feedback.
That's a lot of maps! Maybe you should give me a condensed version of just 10 or so. :P
3on3 Ladder
reactor_final instead of tc_base

6on6 Ladder
railgun instead of frostbite

6on6 SC
frostbite (out)
+ railgun

btw. nice to see some actions into reviving et
Interesting, reactor in 3on3. Is this something that has been played in 3on3 in the past or just a personal preference of yours? :P

Why not frostbite?! It's a pretty nice map, certainly better than railgun!
i've played few scrims in the past on reactor, was fun

frost is too closeranged and its similar to adler, theres no point in playing two similar maps imo. railgun has much different objectives than most maps, its bigger and haven't been played for a long time.
Ok, we'll see!
+karsiah, reactor, sos, missile_b3, oasis


As for dropouts good option might be only accepting teams with separated lineups within roster (as seen e.g. here to avoid stuff when someone signs up with team he had on CB for years while people in there won't actually play. If you see someone make the effort to edit shit on CB, he might take the effort in keeping team alive.
Meh, I don't think many teams would play oasis or reactor if we added them.

Yeah, I've considered doing something like that - denying signups for various reasons. It just seems that with the current state of the game, it makes more sense to simply accept most signups for the sole reason of having lots of signups (if that makes sense). People seem to make a big deal out of how many or how few teams sign up for the cups each season.
Yes, because many will play erdenberg :D

Need to specify the reasons though! I think proper start would be to expect someone to do something instead of just clicking signup, picking team from list and boom.
You'd be surprised. :P Quite a few players seem to enjoy it, despite how unbalanced it is / used to be!

Lots of reasons! Too many cheaters / suspicious players, dropped out last season, bad at scheduling matches, flames / whines too much, is annoying in general, etc. :P To be honest, if the game was as active as it was several years ago, I wouldn't accept half the teams that sign up today... but as I said, I don't think that we have much of a choice nowadays.
library for a testperiod !

cant say much to the points since i am not really playing the game/the ladders/cups ;((
Germany library

go away
It's been tested already and doesn't seem to be that great. :P We'll see though!
when it was tested with showmatches, there were a lot of nice comments about like i remember, was added to cb ladder maplist also?! but yeah in ladder n1 plays those maps then..
We'll be adding some different maps that will most likely be played more often than library would. :)
te_escape2 for 3on3, it was awesome map when it was involved in 3on3 OC (2009 or 2010 i think)

also et_ufo for both 2v2 and 3v3.
Yeah, we might bring et_ufo back. Do you have a link to te_escape2 with screenshots and/or an explanation of the map? I don't have much experience with it.
Awesome, thanks for the initiatives ohurcool and listening to the active community!
So glad to see karsiah and erdenberg back!
The activity will definitly increase a bit with some prizes. We noticed it already for the last cups or Ladder challenge you organized. Why? Simply because there's something interesting to win, something more than a pocal in your achievements
You're welcome! Thank you for your input.

I hope you are right, as I don't particularly enjoy handing out prizes for no reason. :P
Is this version of Erden the one that has Flag below spawn of Axis? If so, its decent one, otherwise change it to that mentioned. As for tc_base, i really dobut anyone is still playing that, at least i haven't seen anyone being bothered by it, so would reconsider adding some other map.

For 6on6, i agree with karsiah, but would rather see sw_oasis over secret weapon, dunno, or even reactor. Don't think battery would be able to compete against other maps.

For SC it's still better Group stage if u ask me, as less skilled teams, have more games to play, and maybe sometimes they can pull one or two surprises and actually proceed in playoffs. After that i guess single elimination should be enough, while loser bracket of semi final to decide 3rd place.

For dropouts and noshows its normally cus ppl lack of motivation, there's honestly nothing u can do about it, because if team can't play at particular day, it will result in no show, if both teams cant agree on alternative. It's hard to motivate teams, even if u put some money involved, its pretty simple to realize only best teams will compete for it, so it's not much of a motivation for rest.
Well even if u had less signups, u still couldn't be 100% sure, that those teams will show up every game, u can only hope for the best.

I think u should be promoting 1on1 speed ladder a bit more, as im quite sure many aren't aware of it and would probably give it a go, at least for fun if not for more competetive reasons. Guess all the obj maps should be listed such as, beach, adler, frost, delivery, ice, radar, karsiah, even missile used to be played at past.

Good effort overall Jon :)
Yeah, it's a modified version of erdenberg_b3. The flag is in the same place (below Axis spawn), but the area is more open now. Check out sani's journal for screenshots! Which other map do you think we should add instead of tc_base?

You think more teams would play oasis or reactor than secretweapon or battery? I dunno.

Maybe! A cup with Playoffs-only would ensure that leagues are relatively small (only 8 teams per league) and fair though. We'll see!

Yeah, I agree. We can't force teams to stay motivated, and it seems like nowadays we can't even force teams to play their matches in time or even to show up for their matches.

Yep! We plan to get the 1on1 ladder(s) going once again. Hopefully it will work!

Thanks, and thanks for the feedback.

Personally, never liked the idea of erdenberg, reminds me too much of supply, but I suppose some variety is better than none.

2on2 Ladder:
adlernest, ice, frostbite, supply, goldrush, silly_ctf, te_escape, delivery, erdenberg, braundorf

3on3 Ladder:
adlernest, ice, frostbite, supply, goldrush, delivery, braundorf, te_escape, erdenberg, wolken_b3

6on6 Ladder:
supply, goldrush, radar, frostbite, adler, bremen, karsiah, sos_secret_weapon, reactor_final, sw_battery

Why bother having a different/limited maplist at all? I don't mind certain maps being replaced with another, but what exactly is the reasoning behind having fewer maps.

2on2/1on1... No.

Ladder Activity Challenge is rather pointless, rewarding quantity over quality never seems like a good idea, people that can't or wouldn't want to be any more active than they are now wont suddenly start playing 24/7 just because it may or may not earn them 20eur!!!11

Prizes are always welcome.

Though all in all, this should have been done years ago, at this point it's rather futile.
Yeah, it's like a combination of the first stage of supply and the last stages of oasis. The newest version seems promising though.

You'll have to provide more information about silly_ctf and wolken_b3, as I've never heard of them. :P I guess silly_ctf is similar to the 1on1 map mp_sillyctf?

Any particular reason you prefer reactor and battery to missile? Most teams and players seem to like missile.

In EC/OC, I prefer to have a smaller maplist of 6 or 8 maps since these cups are a bit more "serious" than SC and ladders. Plus, maps are forced for the Groupstage, so it generally brings quite some flame if we force all teams to play secretweapon, battery, etc. However, since the SC is a bit more "experimental", there's really no reason not to have 8 or 10 maps in the maplist. We'll see!

Why not 2on2 or 1on1? :P

Meh, I don't think it is pointless.. it just wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be. And that's not entirely accurate - the ladder was significantly more active than the previous months (and the following months as well) due to the challenge. Boosting general activity is more important to me than simply handing cash to a few teams with allstar lineups.

Of course it should have been done years ago, but saying that isn't too helpful. :P

Thanks for the feedback.
mp_silly is the same as silly_ctf iirc, it was very prominently used as a 2on2 map back in the day, and probably by far the only good 2on2 map in the game. Wolken_b3 was in the mappool a few years back, around '07 I believe, no idea why it's not played anymore but I rather enjoyed it, a lot.

I hate missile, too many things broken and utterly annoying about it, battery is great, given even teams, though it can become one sided very fast. Reactors seems to have had many fans, and was otherwise already played in competitive play, though definitely not enjoyable in 3on3/5on5. I just, very dislike missile. I'd prefer playing base, oasis or even fueldump over missile but we all know those aren't going to happen.

There's no point to 1on1/2on2 in this game, period.
Cool, I'll check both of those maps out.

Fair enough. It does seem like missile was a bit "rushed" when it was designed. To me, battery is like oasis with so many chokepoints and so much spam. :P

I disagree! Not trying to take away from 6on6 at all of course, but why not offer different formats for those who enjoy it? You could also say there's no point to 3on3, yet dozens of teams play it on a regular basis. Look at QL, it's played quite actively both 1on1 and 4on4, as well as other formats.
It's a different game, don't even try to compare the quake franchise with wolfenstein =( that's like saying CS has no respawns, why should we? I genuinely hate 3on3, the way it's played, too. It's slow, it's boring and it's heavily aim reliant.
Erdenberg is too unbalanced imo but,

My recommendation for:

2on2 Ladder:
braundorf_b4 sp_delivery_te et_ufo_final karsiah_te2 te_escape the_station erdenberg silly_ctf (with modified spawntimes) adlernest supply

3on3 Ladder:
adlernest karsiah_te2 et_ice frostbite supply sw_goldrush_te et_ufo_final bremen_b1 mp_base reactor_final braundorf_b4 te_escape

6on6 Ladder:
radar sw_goldrush_te sos_secret_weapon library_b3 bremen_b3 dubrovnik_final mp_beach venice crevasse mp_village missile_b4 supply

8 map list sounds good for the OC, would wish to see 3-4 maps in there which aren't in the ladder so there is a little variation

Group stage and wb/lb are fine

Would like to see more strict rules when it comes to mercs. Players shouldn't be allowed to play more than 2 matches per week in the same ladder without being added to the team for more than 24 hours and every player should be added on the roster 30 minutes before the match untill at least 72 hours after the match. Clanleaders should be punished by a 1 month suspension after each 3rd violation, and if one of their trustees commited the violation he and the trustee should receive a suspension.

Leaders should be punished after multiple noshows/drop outs within a certain time (for example 2 seasons in a row more than 2 noshows / 2 drops within 2 seasons ) by not being able to sign up a team for a cup and organise matches for the next 2 seasons and if they find a way to circumvent this they should receive a 3 month playing ban.

I like the idea for the activity challenge, though I think the target to reach in order to win money should be different. Let's say the team which has earned the most points (excluding the points they lost!!!!) in a month should win money.

Speed ladder: no -> better organise cups for that from time to time
1v1 sw/obj ladder: yes
It was indeed a bit unbalanced before, but the newest version might be better.

Those are some weird maplists. I'm curious as to whether others would agree with you or not.

A SC with a Groupstage as well as an UB and LB is not possible - that's the point, It's either a Groupstage + single elimination or Playoffs-only with double elimination.

I generally don't mind allowing mercs in ladder matches, as long as both teams agree. And we can't just make up our own reasons to ban players. We have a strict C&A policy that must be followed.

See my replies to Robaciek above. It would be nice if the game was active enough for us to be able to do that, but I'm afraid that isn't the case.

Why should an activity challenge reward teams with the most points? :P The idea was to give prizes for the most active teams, not the teams who won the most matches!

Why no 1on1 speed ladder? There aren't too many speed cups nowadays, and it's fairly harmless to run a ladder, even if it isn't too active.
Well, most won't because they either don't know the maps or are boring "cunts". New/unknown maps force the teams of thinking about tactics and practicing them and thus a little more activity.

Is it possible to do a UB/LB without groupstage?

It's annoying to play against guys you don't know and then you can't even look them up, from time to time it happenes that cb banned players or guys without an entered tzac guid play or that even only 1 player is registred per team and almost nobody even gives a shit

About the points: What you offer the community is pure quantity, you won't get any teams to become more active by that, they just don't practice at all and play offis only without really giving a shit if they win or not. If you want the big and strong teams, or even teams to come back you'll need to offer them a "real" competition. Winning by gained points makes them play against stronger opponents in order to gain more points and thus they might start trying to improve and as long as lost points are excluded from the competition they won't shrink from risking a loss against a top tier team.

And about the speed ladder: It's a bit laborious to find a match, organise it on the cb site etc for a "match" which only lasts for 5-10 minutes. It won't just be inactive, it'll be inactive as shit fuck
It doesn't guarantee activity, but it guarantees lots of flame and whine for sure.

Yes... it is either a Groupstage + single elimination (no Lower Bracket) or Playoffs-only + double elimination (Upper Bracket & Lower Bracket).

Nobody is forcing you to play versus players you don't know, and it's simply not your job to "look them up". If there are cheaters / banned players actively playing in offis, then we will deal with them. The whole point of ladders is that you can play when you want vs who you want on the map(s) you want.

The idea of the Ladder Activity Challenge was to promote activity, simple as that. We already have cups and ladders for a "real" competition. I actually think it's better if teams don't take ladder points so seriously as it helps avoid problems and usually means more matches.

If players want to play badly enough, they will take the time to schedule the match (which doesn't even really take that long). It has been inactive for the past year, so I won't be too concerned if it remains inactive. :)
We'll see! :)
I'm mostly concerned about 2on2, as I will get a 2nd and play the 2on2 ladder/OC this year. However, some of the maps I dislike and prefer other maps over it are as the following:

Adlernest - fairly a good map, small and good for 2on2s
B4 - another descent map if side is disabled for 2on2s
et_beach - way too big for 2on2, so prefer something like erdenberg over it
et_ice - its an ok map, so no problem
sp delivery - yep, one of the overrated maps and the most played so keep it and its also not bad for 2on2s
supply - keep it same comments as for deli
grush - this one is also fine same comments as deli & supply
Side is allowed on all maps! What about frostbite?

Get other teams to sign up as well, and we'll bring the 2on2 OC back!
yeah frostbite is definetly fine, forgot to mention this earlier :P i'd prefer this over et_ice , it is a small map that can be played for literally every format.
Never really understood why missile and karsiah got removed in the first place, both maps are awesome :o
add them to the 6o6 pool again please it needs to be updated im getting kinda tired of grush supply :s
Agreed! They will be returning soon. :)
Just pay attention to this plz and for most stop being closed-minded

image: 576804_469124933168849_2083895760_n

OC 2v2 to 6v6 ( 5v5 ) maps from now 'till 2007, enjoy

spring 2013

fall 2012

spring 2012

fall 2011

spring 2011

fall 2010

spring 2010

fall 2009

summer 2009
C2 Missile b1
sos secret weapon

spring 2009

fall 2008

spring 2008

fall 2007

spring 2007
Interesting, thanks!
crevasse best map evah
lol erdenberg

2on2 adlernest braundorf_b4 frostbite supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base

3on3 adlernest braundorf_b4 et_ice frostbite supply sw_goldrush_te

6on6 : bremen_b3 radar supply sw_goldrush_te braundorf_b4 sw_oasis

fuck off +10 maps...

2on2 & 1on1 are pointless aswell, should focus on 3on3
The new version of erdenberg is actually pretty decent and should be successful if we add it. :)

I just don't see how 1on1 and 2on2 are pointless. Plenty of players enjoy playing those formats, and it's not like they are detracting from 3on3 or 6on6 at all.

it should be added to 2o2/3o3 ladder maplist, as well as to summer cup 3on3 (2o2). it's not big enough to play 6on6 on it I guess. + also I remember that 1st stage was quite easy to defend for axis, so it's not a good idea to force it to 6o6 maplist.

Ladder Maplists

8 maps is more than enough! half of them ain't even played! so there is no point to add extra 2 more maps..

i have no clue about 2o2, havent played any serious 3o3 for ages too, but I guess maps like etice, etufo, frost, adler etc are way better for these maplists than sd/grush/similar to these maps, cuz too many fullholds are set on those, and also everyone in defence is just hiding and leaning on obvious spots waiting for allies to jump and then backrape them etc.

i'd like to see karsiah_te2 and missile_b3 in 6on6 mappool. so supply grush radar + missile karsiah + adler bremen + as 8th map there might be frostbite OR if you wish you can add oasis or sos_secret_weapon. tbh I've never ever played this sos map so I have no idea what to say about it :D but if people like it, and it seems so according to comments, you could try it :P but again if its not forced, like you can do it in OC groupstage maplist, I dont think many people gonna pick it as their map for 6o6 ladder offi.. battery should be removed though.
dubrovnik was quite "exciting" also when it was forced 3 years ago in Summercup iirc, with all these docruns, on the roofs as well etc.
you could try reactor also, but I barely played it in the past so its hard to give some proper feedback

SummerCup 2013

8 maps is enough!

I'd rather see Double elimination bracket! all teams that are going inactive after signups, and just signup for the lulz (lol) would be out of the cup after 1st round already. and as for the further cup stages like semifinals etc it's better to have DE Brackets rather than single. Almost half of the teams in groupstage = dropouts, so there is no point in having group stage if half of the games wont be played and we would just waste 3 weeks.

as for its maplist, you should try here some "new maps" before EC/NC season, so you should add karsiah,sos_secret_weapon, erdenberg(3o3) + any other map you have in mind for ec season.

2on2 ET

I dont play 2o2 so im gonna skip this.

Dropouts and Noshows

I liked Robaciek's comment about it, all teams should do specific groups in their accounts to show how their lineup gonna look like. if team leader put effort like this into organising these groups, they might actually continue playing :D teams having 50 members in their account, everyone in default group, are a joke.

or maybe add some crazy rule, that all teams that participate in ec/oc season have to play at least 1-3 offis before the season starts. so they can determine the lineup, and just show you that they have 6 players and not gonna fold after 2 weeks.

1on1 Ladders

I dont play 2o2 so im gonna skip this, but as for i've seen on ettv, esl 1o1 obj ladder had quite much officials in the past, so you could try it.

Ladder Activity Challenge

i'd rather give this money for something else, or some 1 day cups, because having oc/ec/nc played + 6o6 ladder with prizes is too much. we would have to play almost every day to achieve something in all of these cups, but for some teams it'd be too much :E


with rockit we already have winner for all competitions, so instead of giving them money all the time, invest it in something else :D or just sponsor them as their multigaming or something haha
teams still gonna participate in cups that look well-organised, with lots of teams etc no matter if there are prizes or not

Questions, Comments, and Suggestions

you have been doing a good job so far, so just keep it up! cups like nc/ec/oc/sc are important so do not abandon et until people still play it :P

oh and btw add some new admins finally! if you are offline, there is noone to help players :D and you cant be online all the time ^^
yeah thats a great idea, dont invent prizes, cause when ever people do you dont get them anyway, so next time we have a comp, i would like a pack of chewits
Yeah, I don't think erdenberg is the best map for 6on6. We'll probably be adding it to the 2on2 and 3on3 ladder maplists though! The first stage has changed a bit and should be a bit easier for the Allies now. :)

We'll most likely have 10 maps for each ladder. Even if they aren't played, there's no harm in having them in the maplist. Maps like sw_battery and frostbite (6on6) are hardly ever selected, yet they've been in the maplists for a long time now.

Yep, we'll make sure that those maps are in the 2on2 and 3on3 maplists!

Our 6on6 maplist will be similar to that. :) I've played secretweapon a few times and think it's a decent map, better than battery for sure. It probably will be in the ladders only and not in EC/OC. I also like reactor!

I prefer double elimination playoffs-only, but I think it's going to be up to the Chiefs to decide that.

We will include karsiah in the 6on6 SC, but I'm not sure that erdenberg_t1 is "ready" for cups just yet.

Like I said, it does sound nice and would probably help a bit, but there are simply too many drawbacks for it to be worthwhile. We need as many signups as we can get, and denying teams because they don't have their clan pages looking fancy won't help much.

Indeed, the ESL 1on1 ladder was fairly popular a while ago. Let's see if there are still some 1on1 players out there!

Yeah, I wouldn't be running the challenge in the middle of a competition, that's for sure. It was just an attempt to boost activity a bit before the EC/OC season.

I agree and am not a huge fan of prizes myself, especially if they go to the same teams and players every time. My goal is not to cater to players who are only attracted to prizes. I would much rather have prizes which also somehow help the game's activity level as well (such as the Ladder Activity Challenge). We'll see!

Thanks! Contrary to popular belief, we actually care a lot about the game and the community. I will certainly never be the one to make the decision to abandon ET (unlike a certain three-letter gaming league).

Working on it! There will be at least 1 new admin coming soon. :)

Thanks for the feedback.
Consider putting decrypted in 2on2 ladder, it's the best map for this format :) For 3on3, I will definetely put crevasse, it;s fantastic.
We'll see! :)

Personally, never liked the idea of erdenberg, reminds me too much of supply, but I suppose some variety is better than none.

2on2 Ladder:
adlernest, ice, frostbite, supply, goldrush, tc_base, e_ufo, delivery, erdenberg

3on3 Ladder:
adlernest, ice, frostbite, supply, goldrush, delivery, braundorf, et_ufo, erdenberg, tc_base

6on6 Ladder:
supply, goldrush, radar, frostbite, adler, bremen, karsiah, sos_secret_weapon, reactor_final, missile

10 maps is enough!

Group stage and wb/lb are fine

I'd sign up for the 2o2 ET OC if my mate are avi!

1on1 Ladders.. No

Prizes are always welcome.
Yep, I was just playing around on the new erdenberg today, and it should be a pretty decent map. :)

I like your 6on6 ladder maplist!

We'll probably have 8 maps for the SummerCups.

Not possible, I'm afraid. It is either a Groupstage + single elimination (no Lower Bracket) or Playoffs-only + double elimination (Upper Bracket & Lower Bracket).

Sounds good! Get some other teams to sign up as well! :P

Why no 1on1 ladders?
i will test this map soon! :)

8 maps for SC is good!!

so, Groupstage + single elimination is better than play-offs-only!

cause i suck on 1v1 :DDD

What is the date for the SC?
We'll see. :) I think the format of SC 2013 is up to the CB Chiefs, but I'm not sure yet.

Signups will open in mid-June. Stay tuned! :)
Please, reactivate 1on1 sw ladder. Nowadays it is needed like never before. Very few people playing ET now, so 1on1 ladder is good idea.
Yep, we plan to bring it back eventually!
library! gl ! :)
We'll see, thanks!
make new maps and add them to mappoll .... that mean new tax etc etc :D
Do you play 2on2? Would you like to see a 2on2 OC in the Fall 2013 season? Will your team actually sign up and participate?
Yes and this was lots of fun why was it removed?
It was removed cus there were way too many dropouts/noshows and stuffs like that, making entire 2on2 OC kind of useless.
As Aniky said, there were simply too many dropouts and noshows in the last two 2on2 OC seasons. In the 2on2 OC Spring 2012, over half the matches were noshows. Kinda discouraging for us to run the cup then!

However, we'll consider bringing it back in the Fall 2013 season. :) Get a bunch of teams to sign up for it!
oh ur so cool
Missile and Reactor
2o2/3o3 are best formats in ET :-)
cba checking the journals with screens because this crossfire 4.0 just sucks ass

though i really like the conversation about maps going on and would like to add that erdenberg (for 2on2/3on3), sos_secret, karsiah and missile are really great, interesting and well balanced maps
You will most likely see all of those maps added soon! :)
2on2 Ladder:
new maps

3on3 Ladder:
new maps

6on6 Ladder:
new maps

8 years playing same maps it's boring ... :P
Don't worry, new maps are coming for sure!
okey!! nice :-DDDDD
Thanks a lot to everyone for the input! I've unstickied the journal now and will make some announcements soon regarding the changes made. :)
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