help @ ppt design

I need some help with the design of a presentation im doing with powerpoint, im horrible at it.
I just need someone who can help me to make it look good by adding a non standard design , graphics that fit into the topic. Its a technical topic and i need to finish it in some weeks.
If anyone got some spare time left for it that would be great :) just pm me then
xoxoxoxo much love your mama
You could try out Prezi ( It's free and a lot more graphic that PowerPoint :)
+1 used prezi a few times. u can get really nice results with it.
Yeah I've been using it for about 1,5 years now. Super easy to make and great to share since it's internet based
It's a nice program, but if you're gonna be professional, don't use it.
All the fancy stuff doesn't add anything to your presentation, unless it's for some silly preschool presentation.

Keep it as clean as possible, presentations are about the story, powerpoint is there to support your story.
+1 not much more to add, same counted for us and I did a designer school.
Depends on whatever your audience is, really. It's both suitable, you just have to ask yourself when to use which. Prezi is being used a lot in professional and business related meetings and press conferences, and so is PowerPoint
Like I said, if you're gonna go professional, just use Powerpoint. Always good. Really, if you show up at some serious business meeting with a Prezi presentation of which you think looks super sweet with all the moving pictures and fancy stuff.. You're gonna have a bad time.

If the audience doesn't care or is a bit less professional, prezi is fun.
That's why you need to know what to use in which kind of situations. I'm not familiar with Prezi but if it has more options why not use it instead. Having lots of features doesn't necessarily mean you should use them all.

Oh and you can make yourself look ridiculous in a "serious business meeting" with a Powerpoint presentation as well.
Well, he was talking about either one, not neither :p
How much do you pay?
10 millions zimbabwe dollar
white background is the best. simple, great look, no problem with visibility
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