Dad, we need to talk

Too bad I live on my own, I would've loved to ask my dad to have porn enabled again. Also, try to imagine how awkward it would be if you found out he (or your mother) already took care of it.

QuoteEvery household in the UK is to have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

poor fumble
<fumble> how can you call me gay when i masturbated this morning?
Pahaha, mobile networks already do that here :D but hey, always ways around it
Really? Porn on phone? Lazy bastard.
Well done Mr. Cameron. This is what you get up to, to deserve your 15% payrise! Nice work... Cunt.
Who did you vote for -.o?
EDL obviously.
the EDL are not a political party xD
He voted for the non eton educated politician, you know the one that isnt white, whose dad was not a millionaire, and who has a degree in something pertinent to the development of the country. The party leader who has a working class background. You know, the politician who does not exist. Much like the choice you are offered when voting.
What did I just read?
If this person ever comes around, he has my vote!
Yeah wouldn't it be funny if a politician were normal. Yet normal people don't want to be politicians. Unfortunately only weird people want the job and weird results is what we get.
Totalitarism on its way.
Oh boy :D
enjoy nerds, no fap or pussy for u nerds hahahah
They go back to underwear brochures, obviously.
3 words, Google Public DNS
Technically those are 5 words as DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System.
this Oxy guy smartest person breathing oxygene on this planet.
Always glad to be of assistance.
Quote Acronyms are a type of word formation process, and they are viewed as a subtype of blending.
QuoteIn linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word
QuoteIn linguistics, a blend is a word formed from parts of two or more other words
Wont work. We don't filter at DNS level
VPN are a vital part of our future, hurr durr.
QuoteWhat filtering system are ISPs using?

It depends because different ISPs use different approaches. Some offer downloads of filtering software that can be installed on every PC or web-browsing gadget in a household. Others prefer a "network level" filter that sees the ISP monitor traffic to block access to sites customers do not want people in their home seeing.

Most ISPs are gradually moving towards the network level filters that do the monitoring and blocking at the router or ISP level. This filters traffic to any device that connects via a home's net connection. The UK's mobile operators have operated network level filtering for many years.

Ok, if it's not blocking dns querys, what is it actually blocking? Is it guessing the content of pictures and videos or do they have 90 million chinese evaluating every http/ftp/etc request?
HTTP headers contain the URL
So it is DNS based?
lol no... DNS and a packets content are at a completely different layer
I do know that. I just can't see why wouldn't you simply handle dns requests instead of analyzing all traffic in the network.

And i would be really interested in seeing what kinf of system is capable of doing that.

Tbh I believe you don't actually know what you are talking about.
Most routers are capable of reading and blocking by HTTP headers...

And you don't think "I" know what I am talking about? You're shitting me right?...
Yeah, blocking only by http is so much more efficent than dns.

It just seems that you haven't done much traffic analyzing or filtering on operator level. I could be wrong, but ít just doesn't seem that way based on these comments, sorry.
I doubt it
Fuck's sake. I find it difficult to imagine just how enormous of a bell-end you have to be in order to demand that an entire country is child-proofed so your child doesn't hurt itself.
Forbid your child from having a laptop until they're a responsible age, make them use a family computer in a room that other family members are likely to use until then, install existing web filter programs. These are the actions of a smart, responsible parent.
Force the entire country to by default accept the same level of protection given to your child, so that you yourself don't have to take any steps or make any sort of effort to ensure their own protection. These are the actions of a self-absorbed parent. These are the actions our Prime Minister deems the best.
Fuck's sake.
Actually I'm probably a little unfair in saying that these people are unwilling to go to any effort for their children's protection. They are willing to go to effort, they're just so fucking stupid that instead of simply installing a web filter and then supervising their children's computer use, they spent months campaigning for the entire country to change how it uses the internet.
It's like having a relative who's afraid of the dark, and instead of installing a nightlight, you go out and start campaigning that everybody in the country must have their lights on by default.

-BritishHobo, reddit
30% more rapes inc.
think it would be even worse if you found out your parents enabled it already.
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