CGAC supporting ET NOW!!!!

Hi, my name is Kevin "badkip" C.
Most of you won't know me but I'm the coder behind CGAC and with recent events of CyberGamer picking up ET, I decided to make a thread about myself and get familiar with the ET community.
If you want to know more about me or CGAC just read this article.
I used to play ET back in 2005 till 2008, after that I started playing COD4. So I'm familiar with the game and it's community, but I have been out of the game for ages so if you have any suggestions to improve this anti-cheat feel free to share them with me.
I'll try to read the forums here too, but I'm most likely active on the CyberGamer forums. I do however wanna keep this journal up-to-date for you guys.
A release date is unsure, but it will be soon.

CGAC coder
nice : )
no way :D

where are u atm friend, still in china?
spain, ive been pubing for a while. u still play?
pubbing like jaymod etc? come xfire man, and yes i still play
noo, no xfire, i dont have it (might install it not sure, the computer for gaming is not mine..) u play etpro tho? i wanna play wars.
homo.. hmm i only play etpro on sunday :p for the rest i pub silent mod, really nice, like jaymod but way better and less laggy; nerd
okok ill maybe check it out
nerd says hes from spain :D a few years ago u would get fucking mad if someone said youre from spain and not from catalonia :PP
lol:d fuck spain still... but i got used to say spain in china because they never heard of mallorca and they only know barcelona cuz of barça xd.
hahaha ok ok
QuoteMost of you won't know me but I'm the coder behind CGAC and with recent events of CyberGamer picking up ET, I decided to make a thread about myself and get familiar with the ET community.

leave before its too late :S

Nice for Coding AC for ET :S
well done!

I mean, good job
nice and gl with it!
brilliant news!

inb4 Jinosta not getting 60 acc anymore zLOL
He had 58 at nbs 2day, gg cgaced.
3 years pass and Jinosta is still hitting 60acc, legend.
Let me pass one idea I already had.

This game is so crap, you dont really need to have an Anticheat (ok, that sounds stupid, keep reading), you need thing to RECOGNISE players. For example TZ-AC was decent Anti-Cheat, but nothing special, the best part of it was, that players had NICK & number and then there was site with database where you could search these guys and ALSO, there were screenshots uploaded after every use, which was amazingly good in busting wallhackers (since busting aimbotters, is there any problem with that?).
Also there was an add-on on servers, that you couldnt join the server without that TZ-AC.exe (A-C. obviously).


Make CGAC.exe
you have to register via email, submit your Nickname, your account will have it's number.
It would be all connected via one database (ETPro guid, IP, name/number, PBguid - you would be able to check via some command who is who on the server-> only Guids and names/numbers enabled, IPs only for main admins).
It would upload screenshots somewhere.
It wouldnt let you join server without it.
There would be part of CG site for that, or either new site.

Know it won't happen, but that's basically only thing you need....
CGAC is already integrated in the CG website and will have both HW IDs and a screenshot system.
That's good to hear.

Now the rest of it.
Less demands, more suggestions!
It was one full suggestion and I think you cant say a single bad word about it.
So you want him to invent TZAC basically
nerdiko get ur fat ass bak on ur chair
Yo friend, where are u? We are missing u :(
the messiah cought u :DDDDDDDDDDD
nick and number for a player
nice one :D
Nice good luck with coding!
great to see you're supporting ET. :) awesome news!

for suggestions: some way of identifying people on a gameserver using the etconsole. in TZAC it was /ac_players - gave info on all connected players:

ingame id - account ID - Ingame name - AC account name - account age(in days) and some other stuff
I think you mean /sl_players ???? Sorry me oldschool
I think you mean /guids condump + ????
He wasn't around when this was in use
Unfortunately for you, I was.
Wasn't there a command in punkbuster itself that you could check the aliases at server like pb_alist or smth?
don't know, never used it. However, I remember yawn having a client-side tool for a short while, that was... rather buggy, unfinished and never fully worked, that'd do the guid comparison for you.
yeh it was, cant remember it tho, but i think it displayed last two nicks u had, or smth like that.
There was, but it was server-specific if I'm remembering right, so it wasn't much use if they hadn't used their real nick/known alias on that server before..
red triangles everywhere
sl_players wasn't for TZAC. :D
what was the command for slac? :D
sl_players and/or listplayers? why are we even talking about this. :D
It was sl_ for SLAC and ac_ for TZAC. :P
thats what I said. xD
Just making sure!!!!11
Nice good luck and it will support only for ET pro and it will be for other modes
U dont really need it for other mods, as most of them have its own anticheat already.
thank dir bardzo mucho
GL with it and sure ET need something decent as AC, for the moment there is only cheaters on pub
Hey brother,

Thanks, but no thanks. We have this amazing guy, SnowStorm, working on the best anti-cheat we could wish for already.
Thanks for your time though,

Oh, you =J
Why isn't this guy getting flamed? he's only member for 0 days, whilst SnowStorm is member for 1 month and 15 days.
Yeehaaa! but defo need a way of identifying players in the server like artstar said!

Oh no hes a called of duty player :D
There is an 85% chance you are actually Unforgiven.
what? Look I didn't do anything wrong to this community man but bring something that stopped aimbots connecting. Maybe I flamed a few guys but seriously? You still want more.
He doesn't write like him though.
good news man.
Hi badkip it is the best news on this year :-))))))). Thanks you very much. :-))

I think so skill of some players will go down :-)).
Hi man,
Im the famoustest MarseilleRetired Colonel LeFrancis glad to know you. Im a specialist in truck driving so if your anticheat needs info about vehicles in ET I can inform you very well since I've been working in this department for years.
You didn't mention the fact that you rob banks and have massive crates of gold that you can make disappear when picking up.
+1 for the experience of this guy
great news, can't wait to take part in some cups with decent anticheat and stuff. looking forward to it!

but i hope it won't scan our whole pcs and do screenshots of everything while in-game like uac. do it more similar to slac/tzac if possible! :-)
Quotebut i hope it won't scan our whole pcs and do screenshots of everything while in-game like uac

What he said.
but i hope it won't scan our whole pcs and do screenshots of everything while in-game like uac


+ Leave out the screenshot thingy its annoying as hell usually bugged and makes ppl lag, plus ive never really seen anyone get busted by a ss except for retards like vila.
didnt vila upload the picture himself in a crossfire journal? Very stupid :P
You havent, normal people reading this and looking through bans did :p
No scans every 5s that makes people lag
No screenshots of desktop/irc/ts/facebook/anything but ingame screens
Some way of identifying players on servers (what Artstar said)
Silent detection but banwaves every 1-2 weeks (no waiting for 3 months for bans to be enforced)

btw is anyone still playing cod4?
i have a shit pc, shit inet but never had any lag with UAC
explain this magic
so mr. russell doesnt have lag, let's ignore the fact that quite large group of people (including some top players) experienced lag. fuck them, russell has no problem
yeah as i said, explain then where this lag comes from
no one in my team ever had any issues with uac
how should I know? I'm not the developer
It didnt come from screenshots that 100% for certain, as those were not uploaded until after you stopped scanning.
Yes and no, capturing the screenshot can induce lag, they captured your desktop as opposed to the game client itself, which, depending on their method, can cause quite a spike in resources. On older systems, this could definitely have been one of the many causes for FPS lags people experienced.
people were complaining for lag every 15-20 seconds though, screens were 10-20 times in a 45min game. Sure it was due to UAC, if they were actually 'lagging' but I doubt it was due to screenshots themselves.

If I bind screenshot and press it once while moving my mouse around quickly, Ill lag for a split second and I didnt experience anything to that extent, ever, on UAC (to be fair though I didnt ever get lag with PB either and plenty whined about that too)
I honestly wouldn't know, I haven't played with UAC long enough to experience lags. But even just the log dumping, again, depending on the method used, can become a hog, for all I know it could have had memory leaks too, or people were genuinely just trying to look for excuses on their bad performance. I'm mindfucked when someone mentions still having FPS lags on goldrush, in a 10 year old game. Hell, at this point my phone could run this game with stable fps.
The game is very much CPU dependant and new architecture with old games sometimes causes issues if the method and hardware has changed.

My AMD4400+x2 and 7800GT ran ET at 1000fps or 5x instances of ET at 200fps constant.

I run ET in my i5 PC and i7 laptop with dedicated cards struggles. Let's not forget the software changes with OS etc... Or happens with later driver versions where support or a calling method has changed and causes no end of issues with new games but improves others.
Yeah that was mostly because UAC used the native/default set screen capture tool rather than being an actual part of UAC. I had to turn off my screen capture tool (PrtScr it is called) because it minimised ET every time UAC accessed it.
I had the same, it kept using Gyazo to make screenshots, so had to turn it off.
No screenshots of desktop/irc/ts/facebook/anything but ingame screens
dont want that coder to see what im fapping to
no screenshots pls!
What Robert said.
nice, thanks for doing it!
Some features that would be awesome to have:
-cgac_players in console gives info about the players (reg name,reg# and maybe known alias"?
-screenshots , but delete them after a week or less.

I would also suggest you share from time to time about the state of the AC with the community so that what happened with tzac doesnt happen again (1 person in charge of everything and kept everything secret

And please do something so we can use the Anticheat in IRC wars as well.. :)
what torM said
I will always discuss decisions with CG admins.
If someone starts a CG ET pug, generating a match/pug ID that could be entered into the AC would be good. Guess the same could apply for matches using servers set up by CG ET admins (or added to the book-able server list).
Out of curiosity, since this "PUG" system seems to be more of a Gather than anything, will or is there a possibility for two teams to play an un-official, non-ladder or cup match against each other via your website, to make use of the anticheat but be otherwise not restricted in the way of, say, forced players, servers and maps?

ie. me and my team decide we want to play a 6on6 practice game, which may or may not include player switchings and the possibility of 5 or 6 or even more maps being played, with the anticheat, for obvious reasons, but do not want it to be a ladder or official game, can we sign up for a "scrim" or will we ultimately be forced to play IRC games without an AC?
well yeah I can't see why not, you could use a regular cup site (like and then get teams to create a pug for their matches.

The rest of the settings would be limited to what the admins have made available. I don't have access to those features any more (since AU ET closed down) but I used to be able to add a list of servers, maps, configs etc. that people could select when creating a pug.
Not exactly what I'm looking for :P say we (sick6) want to play a practice game against phase, but for some reason or the other we decide we want to use the CG AC for it, can we actually play a game against each other that would not be counted as a cup or ladder match on cybergames, possibly on our own servers even?
Point being, we want to use the AC, but don't care for any of the other features, nor want it to be an official game, merely a prac.

Edit: Nevermind, seems I misunderstood you. Thanks :P
Well yeah that is exactly what the pug system is for (ad-hoc/one off practice matches or whatever). Although from memory I am not sure if you can start a private pug so you will need to tell randoms to leave if they join the pug (you join via the website) .

edit: ok here is the pug system (using BF4 so please excuse that!)

image: BF4_pug

So based on that you can't pick a server, it will just check the list that the admins have made available and pick one that doesn't have an existing booking or potential clash. Fairly sure matches take priority as well, so for example if you start a pug on a server that has been allocated for a match, you will get booted when the server restarts to configure itself for that match.

Lastly though, not sure how or if they will include AC stuff for pugs. I only just asked badkip about that! :p
In that case I'm afraid it doesn't really serve a purpose after all :( it's way too much of a hassle to go through as opposed to pm'ing a person with a server IP on IRC. Where you get to choose with whom and against who you want to play too, instead of a random match up of players you're likely to loath within the first few minutes.
Well the features are there for those that can be bothered! but yeah it really goes back to not having a native AC for ET (like PB). The ability to have a server side AC and minimal, client side install is ideal. So people can just connect to servers and it will handle the rest.
Which is why I'm saying, for badkip, it's a very easy implementation and a bit of switching of code to allow for games without matchids or.. maybe predefined matchids. It'd solve the whole crisis of the AC being CG exclusive, also work quite well in their favor for advertisement purposes, not to mention the bigger pool of players and potential abusers, he'd collect way more data samples. But........ whatever.
it would be great if suddenly CGAC was able to be used on publics too as TZAC was. D:
Yes. I 100% agre. if ETPro mod will have antiecheat also for public gamming that will really great. :-)) Something like TZAC or PB was, so nobody can connect on game server without enabled anticheat.
Can't you choose who you want to play vs using pug? (as-long as the pug game is private)
You guys are unfamiliar with CGAC obviously otherwise you would know how it's done at the moment to check if somebody is on CGAC or not. You have to go to the matchpage and you can check there if everybody is using CGAC. I'm not planning on changing this any time soon. So you see why I can't just accept null values because there would be no way to check if somebody is using CGAC or not.
You have to keep in mind that less than 1% of the people here have used CGAC on cod before.
That's why I'm explaining why there won't be a version that accept null.
I'm genuinely starting to doubt you've ever even worked with bigger projects before, what was your last, a calculator? Sorry, but you're deeming the simplest solutions as an impossibility merely because, what, you're basing your check up on the site's login as opposed to your actual clients' login?
Why not diss the guy that code us an anticheat for free?
Seems like a good idea.
Your statement is inaccurate. Read the CGAC post here:

When you create a CG account (no different to having to create a TZAC account) you enter your profile info into CGAC (which is installed locally). The only thing that links to the website is your user ID and match ID.

What would make it possible to use outside of CG matches would be if the match ID is not mandatory but the connection is still recognised and reported back to the CGAC server for verifying the CG account and cheat detection etc. now that is something I feel should be possible but maybe badkip won't agree, who knows!

edit: I can see a lot of the CoD4 guys want that as well (be able to use CGAC outside of CG matches).
Why so hostile? All he said is that you are unfamiliar with CGAC, which is true.

Give it a chance instead of doing the same thing you did with UAC by instantly flaming the developer without even bothering to wait until you've tried the anticheat out first.
He is just oxy :PPP
dont start coding and selling hacks that are undetected on your Anticheat 8)
but badhook is only 9.99$ a month
should we make a comeback after our glorious winning at OC premier? D:
So, if you can keep a Match ID open indefinitely....couldnt a couple of pubs be run through CyberGamer? Just login and enter the ID to join :0/
any date where ac will released for ET ?
Somewhere next week.
good news :{D
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVUoZSOXMD3NRz4QOd3fsUjkDTyXOXFTAcyqzS4tUPtvAb-vIoSqn-BhAPWA

Public servers with AC would be nice though ( so somekind of server addon)
I just released a CGAC version that supports ET.
More information here:
Great job!
ok and how it works, what did it scans or what will it captured?

Make a new news/journal please and explain all :D

started ET and got this kind of info
gj man keep it up
focking good news ! :D
It's major that some particular AV will detect it as virus, it mostly for all AC's out there.
maybe.. maybe not
This AC is really good so far, I get no lag at all playing on a PC with terrible specs that won't even handle 125 FPS.
we need a pracc mode...but besides - very nice to have a working ac client for officials now!
You can make a pracc ladder on CG.
I have a lot of laggspikes using this AC with hardcore specs that can handle 125 FPS. Any idea how to fix this lagg?
This is a low CPU intensive program, so don't know why you would lag. I have 3000+ users and nobody complained about lags, so pretty sure it's just placebo.
Would come back for this.
PUNGA reborn?
Would absolutely love to - Don't even have a PC, mouse, or even time :(
I have a shitty laptop that can't even play movies without lagging once in a while :D

And time I don't have either, beer consumes too much of my time.
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