CG EU ET Season 1 Recruitment

image: 81XpmVt

The purpose of this journal is to help with recruitment for CyberGamer EU ET Season 1!

If you would like your name to be added to the list, please leave a comment below with the following information:
  • Nickname:
  • Country:
  • Format:
  • Skill:
  • Class:
  • Availability:
  • Contact:
  • Other information:

  • Nickname: peaches
  • Country: USA
  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: med
  • Class: reviving medic
  • Availability: Sundays & Wednesdays
  • Contact: /q pchz @
  • Other information: be nice, no cheaters

Players will be regularly added to the list below, and off-topic comments will be deleted. Teams searching for players should also feel free to leave a comment. Good luck!

Players searching for a team:

  • Format: 6o6
  • Skill: low+
  • Class: Prefer Medic, second engi possible
  • Availability: 19:30, 20:10-22:30 (CEST). Weekends, depends on real life .
  • Contact: via CF:; mIRC: bartmen; email: [email protected]
  • Other information: I speak Dutch, English, Flemish, a bit of French & german

Czech Republic
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: the best low+ in ET
  • Class: medic / rifle
  • Availability: cant play on thursday
  • Contact: crossfire( pmme here :D )
  • Other information: Im awesome when Im in the mood, and also brilliant to play with.

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: medish or better
  • Class: medic
  • Availability: super
  • Contact: #RAAB

  • Format: 6o6
  • Skill: lowmedish
  • Class: medic / fops / eng
  • Availability: not that much
  • Contact: either here or on #rtcw.wars

Czech Republic
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic / smg eng
  • Availability: when you need me
  • Contact: crossfire pm

United States of America
  • Format: 3on3/6on6
  • Skill: med-
  • Class: medic/engy/soldier
  • Availability: saturday, sunday, mon-friday after 3:30 pm EST
  • Contact: xfire: curs3s

United States of America
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic, rnade, smg eng, or fops
  • Availability: sundays
  • Contact:
  • Other information: must play on United Kingdom servers

  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: low+
  • Class: medic
  • Availability: once/twice a week
  • Contact: /q detz` on irc or pm
  • Other information: nl graag.

  • Format: 6on6/3on3
  • Skill: low+/med-
  • Class: medic/ eng smg
  • Availability: few days per week
  • Contact: irc:

  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: med-/med
  • Class: medic;engi smg
  • Availability: at least twice a week
  • Contact: IRC: Ers/ErsOFF @ Doctor
  • Other information: english or german speaking teams.

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med/med+
  • Class: medic, 2nd engy, fop, soldier
  • Availability: 2/3 times per week
  • Contact: pm me here or at

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: medish or better
  • Class: medic
  • Availability: super
  • Contact: #RAAB

  • Format: 6on6 pref
  • Skill: low+/med- after 4years of inactivity (but expirienced enough)
  • Class: engi smg / fops
  • Availability: mondays - wednesdays - sundays
  • Contact: CF / and if i'm online on IRC ( or smth) / xfire: fotzemaul
  • Other information: able to play in a Europe or Germany (prefered) team. let me play a couple of matches and i'll have my skills back. would be great if i know you, but it's not a must.

  • Format: 6o6
  • Skill: low+
  • Class: Prefer Medic. eng smg also possible.
  • Availability: 18:00 - 19:30, 20:10-22:30 (CEST). Weekends, including Friday depends on real life stuff.
  • Contact: Xfire: leaderplop; mIRC: hellfig, glenn; email: [email protected] (same for facebook)
  • Other information: I speak (Belgian-)English, Dutch, Flemish, a bit French (not good enough to get into a conversation).

United Kingdom
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: inactiiief
  • Class: medic, fop, rifle
  • Availability: when i can
  • Contact: CF
  • Other information: Only if i know you

  • Format: 6o6
  • Skill: med
  • Availability: every day
  • Contact: xfire: ygckiller /q

  • Format: 3on3/6on6/
  • Skill: med(will be high after 15/20 games
  • Class: any except dildostick
  • Availability: 3/4 times a week (in the weekends sunday only)
  • Contact: crossfire pm

  • Format: 3o3 or 6o6
  • Skill: med-
  • Class: Prefer Medic but i can play fop/eng
  • Availability: three times a week and weekend(not on Friday)
  • Contact: cf: or irc:

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: low+/med-
  • Class: Medic, engi smg
  • Availability: Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday
  • Contact: /q kApot @irc; xfire: exasq

  • Format: 6vs6
  • Skill: med (havent played for a while)
  • Class: pref. smg engi but nvm
  • Availability: must see (max 2 days)
  • Contact: but better pm

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: pref medic,maybe fd ops,eng
  • Availability: 3-4 times/week,after 18 cet
  • Contact: cf
  • Other information: just started playing again after 2 years;would be nice if i know u,but it's not a must

  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: med or better
  • Contact:

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med-
  • Class: med
  • Availability: all days
  • Contact: crossfire pm or x fire: stickounte
  • Other information: Aime les moules

  • Format: 6on6/3on3
  • Skill: med/+
  • Class: pref rifle but can play medic/eng smg
  • Availability: 2/3 times peer week 21+CET
  • Contact: crossfire pm

United Kingdom
  • Format: 3on3 / 6on6
  • Skill: Probably the best.
  • Class: Which ever I feel like playing! (Any)
  • Availability: Meh, sometimes during the evenings. I guess I only want to prac if we can bash noobs
  • Contact: potty200 on Steam or PM here.
  • Other information: I will take my time to reply as I am expecting quite a few teams to want me on board as always. I will reply to everyone though.

  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: med/+
  • Class: medic / engi
  • Availability: sunday only
  • Contact: CF
  • Other information: don't care about skill, don't be cheaters / ex-cheaters. Don't have much time to play, avi for a BU spot aswell

  • Format: 6o6
  • Skill: med/+ need some games to get back
  • Class: highly pref rifle can also engi smg if needed
  • Availability: sundays and 1 day during the week not sure which one yet, uni will start in 1 week then i know more
  • Contact: crossfire pm
  • Other information: dont pref new projects

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic, 2nd engr
  • Availability: Monday-Wednesday-Sunday
  • Contact: /q symbol or cf symbowl

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: awesome ( med )
  • Class: R I F L E
  • Availability: twice a week
  • Contact: via CF ( )
  • Other information: able to in polish, english or german speaking teams.

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med/+
  • Class: reviving medic/smg engineer
  • Availability: 2 times per week
  • Contact: here at CF

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: low+/med-
  • Class: rifle
  • Availability: Sundays & Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Contact: xfire: wedseck

  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: med-ish
  • Class: reviving medic, fieldops, (2nd) engineer
  • Availability: saturday to tuesday
  • Contact: wra1th at #rockit or crossfire pm

Teams searching for players:

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: revive medic
  • Availability: monday 20:30 CET and sunday 20:00 CET (maybe thursday at 20:30 CET as well, we are not sure yet)
  • Contact: pm me here on crossfire
  • Other information: no (busted) cheaters please ; we are playing in the 2nd division

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: any
  • Class: any
  • Availability: Sundays
  • Contact: /q embarrassed @ #Enhanced

  • Anyone who has played for OR ORDER BANANA and wants some paly paly, come to or pmme here. FOLLOW BANANA has been birthed. <3

United States of America
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: reviving medic/smg engineer
  • Availability: Sunday, with matches that sometimes start at 22:00 or later
  • Contact: /q Foreigner @

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: around med
  • Class: medic/ 2nd eng
  • Availability: Depending on the team
  • Contact: send pm me here or setuper on irc
  • Other information: Prefer: portuguese players or players who speak decent portugues

  • we're looking for another player. since the old one is being a faggot. (PM casek)
Team name: Forward Momentum
Country: USA
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: reviving medic/smg engineer
Availability: Sunday, with matches that sometimes start at 22:00 or later
Contact: /q Foreigner @
why is detdet out of the team?
he quit because our lineup is unstable
This would be perfect for me, as I can basically only play on saturday to tuesday :) I will hit you up on IRC tonight!
Nickname: symbol
Country: Germany/Turkey
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: medic, 2nd engr
Availability: Monday-Wednesday-Sunday
Contact: /q symbol o. cf SYMBOOOL

PS: it doesnt work with nB.
lol kanacke
Nickname: detdet
Country: United States of America
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: medic, rnade, smg eng, or fops
Availability: sundays
Other information: must play on United Kingdom servers
Country: polando Poland
Format: 6on6
Skill: awesome ( med )
Class: R I F L E
Availability: twice a week
Contact: via CF ( )
Other information: able to in polish, english or german speaking teams.
Nickname: wedseck

• Country: NL

• Format: 6on6

• Skill: low+/med-

• Class: rifle

• Availability: Sundays & Tuesdays and Thursdays

• Contact: xfire: wedseck

• Other information: -
Class:medic;engi smg
Availability:at least twice a week
Contact: IRC: Ers/ErsOFF @ Doctor
Other information:english or german speaking teams.
Nickname: Glenn, Hellfig
Country: Belgium
Format: 6o6
Skill: low+
Class: Prefer Medic. eng smg also possible.
Availability: 18:00 - 19:30, 20:10-22:30 (CEST). Weekends, including Friday depends on real life stuff.
Contact: Xfire: leaderplop
mIRC: hellfig, glenn

Other information:
I speak (Belgian-)English, Dutch, Flemish, a bit French (not good enough to get into a conversation).
tenzij jullie 6 een backup nodig hebben, dan is dat ook goed voor mij? :p
6o6 nog altijd vele gemakkelijker als 3o3.
njaa, ik kan u wel backup zetten, maar denk eigenlijk eerlijk gezegd dat we altijd met de vaste 6 gaan spelen, ze kunnen (bijna) altijd d zondagen enzo allemaal.. Dus kvrees, alsj echt ga willen spelen, dat je best blijft zoeken naar nog teampje (zal ook leuker zijn voorj)
Achja, ik kon proberen he :p
ja kweet :p maja ik ben vanplan voor met dezelfde 6 te spelen telkens :) anders moet je tactieken enzo wijzigen enzo.. Kijk naar erase, is ook beetje zo, als ze 1 wisselen isdat al groot verschil qua teamplay
Teamname : NetherlandsJuice/Juice'd up

• Country:any

• Format:3on3/6on6

• Skill:med

• Class:foppa,eng smg, rifle,medic(doesnt really matter)

• Availability:1-3x a week

• Contact: #Juice @Quakenet or pm vATU here

• Other Information : We are only playing for fun 8)
avi again :)
Nickname: PewpewDie

Country: France


Skill: med-

Class: med

Availability:all days

Contact:crossfire pm or x fire: stickounte

Other information:Aime les moules
Nickname: Bartmen
Country: Netherlands
Format: 6o6
Skill: low+
Class: Prefer Medic, second engi possible
Availability: 19:30, 20:10-22:30 (CEST). Weekends, depends on real life .
Contact via CF:
mIRC: bartmen
email: [email protected]

Other information:
I speak Dutch, English, Flemish, a bit of French & german
Good luck friend!
Country: Netherlands
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+/med-
Class: Medic, engi smg
Availability: Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday
Contact: /q kApot @irc
xfire: exasq
mAlibu looking for offi's :) kAPOT 4

lol wtf
this is 6on6 mate
Synergy, we're looking for another player. since the old one is being a faggot.

since when the N word is banned in CF?
Nickname: BOBiKA
Country: Czech Republic
Format: 6on6
Skill: the best low+ in ET
Class: medic / rifle
Availability: cant play on thursday
Contact: crossfire( pmme here :D )
Other information: Im awesome when Im in the mood, and also brilliant to play with.
Team - gentleMen eSports

Format: 6on6
Country: Portugal
Skill: around med
Class: medic/ 2nd eng
Availability: Depending on the team
Prefer: portuguese players or players who speak decent portugues
Contact: send pm me here or setuper on irc
i can speak portuguese
Ahah consegues mesmo mano?
I thought you guys were six already?
And we are, but not always everyone can play at the same schedules. We need backup
THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS: Anyone who has played for OR ORDER BANANA and wants some paly paly, come to or pmme here. FOLLOW BANANA has been birthed. <3
Francis playing? if so i'm avi...
looks like we have a deal,
Nickname: eaves
Country: belgium
Format: 6on6/3on3
Skill: low+/med-
Class: medic/ eng smg
Availability: few days per week
Contact: irc:
Other information: -
Nickname: wra1th
Country: Ireland
Format: 6v6
Skill: med-ish
Class: reviving medic, fieldops, (2nd) engineer
Availability: saturday to tuesday
Contact: wra1th at #rockit or crossfire pm
You living in Ireland now?
Oh how I wish, my friend, how I wish :(

e: I am, however, very proud of my Irish roots, and I will be spending 2 months in Ireland very soon (hopefully longer if everything works out)
Nickname: Gnome
Country: UK
Format: 6on6
Skill: inactiiief
Class: medic, fop, rifle
Availability: when i can
contact: CF
Only if i know you
he? Why aren't we making a team then? :D
Get those who want to play from you (old) buddies, and lets team up? :p
Name: gari
Country: Germany
Format: 6on6 pref
Skill: low+/med- after 4years of inactivity (but expirienced enough)
Class: engi smg / fops
Availability: mondays - wednesdays - sundays
Contact: CF / and if i'm online on IRC ( or smth) / xfire: fotzemaul
Other informations: able to play in a Europe or Germany (prefered) team. let me play a couple of matches and i'll have my skills back. would be great if i know you, but it's not a must.
Nickname: laNgo
Country: Germany
Format: 6vs6
Skill: med (havent played for a while)
Class: pref. smg engi but nvm
Availability: must see (max 2 days)
Contact: but better pm
Other information: :))
gl mein freund..
oh my god :d
Ohaaaaaaa sweety was n da los?
Nickname: potty
Country: England
Format: 3on3 / 6on6
Skill: Probably the best.
Class: Which ever I feel like playing! (Any)
Availability: Meh, sometimes during the evenings. I guess I only want to prac if we can bash noobs
Contact: potty200 on Steam or PM here.
Other information: I will take my time to reply as I am expecting quite a few teams to want me on board as always. I will reply to everyone though.
come play 3v3 with me and Infamous?
Are you fucking serious?
I haven't got anything to play right now. My time is used up apart from a couple of nights a week. Wouldn't mind playing a game or two every so often.
Hey mate just cant stay away can you :D GL
Nickname: kitt
Country: germany
Format: 6on6
Skill: low+ and cf med+
Class: would play any class
Availability: when you need me
Contact: or on irc /q kitt or kitt_off
Other information: be chilled
Nickname: Snatix
Country: France
Format: 6v6
Skill: med/+
Class: medic / engi
Availability: sunday only
Contact: CF
Other information: don't care about skill, don't be cheaters / ex-cheaters. Don't have much time to play, avi for a BU spot aswell
Nickname: Specula
Country: Germany
Format: 6o6
Skill: med/+ need some games to get back
Class: highly pref rifle can also engi smg if needed
Availability: sundays and 1 day during the week not sure which one yet, uni will start in 1 week then i know more
Contact: crossfire pm
Other information: dont pref new projects
time for #bsturz? :D
why so? I'd like to play with U there :D
bsturz aint the same without fuchs, im just playing with him csgo and he doesnt want to play et anymore :/
tell him if he does I'll come back and join forces with you guys :P
but it will make no sense he is like 2-3 days online in a month on normal times... and after his marriage he want to stop afaik
Nickname: crAsh
Country: Czech Republic
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: medic / smg eng
Availability: when you need me
Contact: crossfire pm
Nickname: cursEs
Country: USA
Format: 3on3/6on6
Skill: med-
Class: medic/engy/soldier
Availability: saturday, sunday, mon-friday after 3:30 pm EST
Contact: xfire: curs3s
Nickname: Fendah
Country: Germany
Format: 6on6
Skill: med/med+
Class: medic, 2nd engy, fop, soldier
Availability: 2/3 times per week
Contact: pm me here or at
Nickname: read above
Country: read above
format: 3on3
skill: decent
class: any
avi: offidays
contact: crossfire pm
haha lets team up
haha faggot
nickname : infernal
country : nl
format 3on3/6on6/
skill : med(will be high after 15/20 games
class : any except dildostick
avi : 3/4 times a week (in the weekends sunday only)
contact : crossfire pm

yo ik zag dat je nederlands was ik wil namelijk een 6on6 team starten misschien wil je meedoen?
irc channel xfire: exasq
of pm me hier terug :)
Nickname: Pius
Country: Poland
Format: 6on6/3on3
Skill: med/+
Class: pref rifle but can play medic/eng smg
Availability: 2/3 times peer week 21+CET
Contact: crossfire pm
Name: verunA
Country: Slovenia
Format: 6on6
Skill: med/+
Class: reviving medic/smg engineer
Availability: 2 times per week
Contact: here at CF
team name: verunA xDDDD
remove Juice'd up
Nickname: lover
Class: pref medic,maybe fd ops,eng
Availability:3-4 times/week,after 18 cet
Other information:just started playing again after 2 years;would be nice if i know u,but it's not a must
I played a bit with you in reshep's vFight :)
Nickname: clouver & funky
Skill:medish or better
Class: medic
Contact: #RAAB
Nickname: crabje
Country: NL
Format: 6o6
Skill: lowmedish
Class: medic / fops / eng
Availability: not that much
Contact: either here or on #rtcw.wars
yo ik zag dat je nederlands was ik wil namelijk een 6on6 team starten misschien wil je meedoen?
irc channel xfire: exasq
of pm me hier terug :)
Nickname: OLDENSAN
Country: Finland
Format: 3on3
Skill: med or better
Nickname: IcEcrusT
Country: sweden
Format: 6v6
Skill: med
Contact: xfire: ygckiller /q
Avi: every day
Team name: craze
Country: EU
Format: 6on6
Skill: med
Class: revive medic
Availability: monday 20:30 CET and sunday 20:00 CET (maybe thursday at 20:30 CET as well, we are not sure yet)
Contact: pm me here on crossfire
Other information: no (busted) cheaters please ; we are playing in the 2nd division
Nickname: Nigga
Country: nlski
Format: 6v6 ofzo
Skill: low+
Class: medic
Availability: once/twice a week
Contact: /q detz` on irc of pm
Other information: nl graag.
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