Vote for a friend of me please!

Hello crossfire!

A friend of me asked me for help her as she is currently trying to receive enough votes in order to be able to participate in a contest for becomming the queen of some flower festival (yes I know :D). For that she needs to be within the top 10 of 20. The reason she's in for this is that her grand mom, who recently died, always wanted her to become the flower queen of this festival as it is some huge anual thing at her home place.

The website is in German but I wrote a short tutorial which should be understandable even for the ones who have their problems with English.

Step 1: Open this Link:
Step 2: search for Valerie Huber and click onto "Abstimmen" (on top right usually)
Step 3: Enter your first name into the "Vorname" and your last name into "nachname" and a valid Email
Step 4: Don't click the box unless you want to receive emails, then enter the security word and click onto "Absenden"
Step 5: Click the following link in the email you received: 'Hier klicken um Ihre Abstimmung zu bestätigen' !!!!!!


Thanks in advance!

tl;dr version:

vote for her following the steps above
That's one delicate flower.
Voted for Daniela Kartnig instead.
I'd also be jealous and mad if I didn't have any female friends except for peaches
jealous and mad
apricot is it u brother?
Damn I was about to say the same ! :DDD
ban her from it'll help

tl:dr btw
first pic looks like Elizabeth Banks
It is scam, dont fall for it.
Come on, if you had to vote for me i'd understand it, but I'm asking you to vote for one of the nicest people I know
i doubt u have any friends tbh
voted lisa-marie klaunzer! w00 dat boobs
ty voted for Lisa Sackl
didn't care about heartbreaking story but did it for fellow crossfirer. got my vote
thanks a lot man ;)
you want be able to fuck sorry
it's not about that, she's a really nice girl who even travels to Africa every now and then to give development aid and deffinitely deserves receiving some recognition
Alexandra Prodinger is the only pretty girl there
never ! i prefer to vote for pupa
id like to buy one of those women

where do i have to sign?
fuck you and fuck ur friend
Voted for my bitch Alexandra Prodinger instead
i would but i do not register nowhere - sorry
register? one doesn't have to register anywhere, it's just simply name + email when you send off the vote and once accepting a link within the email which verifies the vote
that is exactly the procedure for most registrations...
true :D well, it doesn't register you anywhere and as long as you don't check the box you won't be bothered by the website at all
get back to work!

sorry for late reply, was on a break
That's cheating
Friend zone level??
i tak nie poruchasz
why would i help probably the most retarded cowshit in earth? get a life and buy a new face
owned and +1, this wont help you get laid m8
Is she theoretically speaking even OK with you posting her Facebook pictures here?
Feel free to pmme and I'll give you her contact if you're being serious about this question
Sounds like you'd even give her contact details to a stranger on the internet, so I'll take that as a no. Seriously though, this is pretty fucked up.
voted for this chick

image: get?id=11d1def534ea1be0x3aae4d14x145e65ed1c3x-1e6f&flavor=normal
wtf is up with people voting her just because of her boobs >.<
isn't it about that? :S
how else do you vote wtf
i would vote for te biggest tits, but she just makes them look big, also attention seeking slut, so ima pass on this whore
Quotebut she just makes them look big

is that a bad thing??

I agree with the last part tho. But she really knows how to get attention
Marlies Pilz ftw but huber is even nice
none of them are beauties, you just cant tell me there werent any better chicks participating in this, there are tons of german beauties, these are all average or worse, such dissapoint.
the pictures are quite aweful according to my friend, and my friend is really a lot better looking than the picture shows and it's not mainly about beauty but about tradition and smart girls
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