Map Makers (ET)

Yo guys,

This is a big question. I will actually reward people for helping me on this, with CSGO skins and love.

I was basically asked by someone to try and find some of the original Map Makers from ET. I recall Bremen was made by the community and ofc there were alot of changes to maps like Goldrush from the stock version. However i have no idea who did that stuff.

Can anyone enlighten me, if someone is able to put me in contact with peeps, i will reward.
Bremen was originally made by Dersaidin (who also did adlernest, sottevast and crevasse IIRC). SW_Goldrush_TE was done by RivrStyx and kNoX (don't know if any of those are still around).

Basically just open any of the .pk3 files with WinRAR and you'll usually find a readme that tells you everything you want.

Love you Pansy.
I love you Perfo.

If you want more than my love pm me your steam and i will give you skins <3
Gief skins I promoted your channel yes?!
add me on steam pansyyyy :) (razzahlol)

not for skins, only for love <3
sent dersaidin a message, he might post here shortly
good guy biggzy
hey if I'm not 1 man panzerfisting on NBS I'm helping peeps on crossfire <3
still #1 in landmines though
Enjoy the m4 boreal forest!
Link me your steam trading account if you want some CSGO skins etc :)
Also, if you rename a .pk3 to .zip, and extract it there will generally be some kind of README file (or possibly comments in the maps/mapname.script file) that has contact information for the author.
Hi m8<3

Have u added more chairs for me to break? ;)
Any chance i could grab you on skype or steam? or email address etc. Feel free to PM me this
Radar and Fuel Dump was made by SimonOC (Sock)
His website: (scroll down to contact)
for recent probably active makers: choose in dropdown search menu ETmaps
some authors from that list:

// Mapname : Capuzzo Airport
// BSPname : capuzzo
// Released: 26.04.2015
// Version : Final version
// Map made by: -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping
// Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ (prefered)
// Contact Pegazus : Fruity12 at hot dot ee // Pegazus @ (prefered)
// SM-Mapping site:

The map making competition that TLR held a while back had a few decent entrants - Tounine (made by eiM) and Pirates (not sure who made this one) were the highlight entries imo

comments in the news post might help you dunno if it is worth going through though-
supply for db incoming :o?
why would that be stupid? its obvious she is not looking for those ppl to create a new ET map
cu @lan
ill be there !
:o niceee bring team italy with you!
just let it go!
cu lan
Somehow I feel TC_Base would be nice in DB. With some adjustments as the spam in DB would break if the hallways stay this small, but the general layout of the map.
eiM, xeoxis, Dersaidin, Haemar was created by Dyal if I remember it correctly (french)

Dersaidin is still spotted in sometimes afaik, not sure about the rest
I can 'make' maps for Q2/Q3/ET.
QuoteName: Special Delivery TE
Version: Final
Filename: sp_delivery_te.pk3
Release date: 25.05.2008

Original map by: Apple & GW

Modified by: jump3r & eiM & Snake
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Default maps (to lazy to exclude just the names) Level Designer:
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+208, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Matt 'Wils' Wilson", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+208, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Lead Level Designer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+220, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Simon 'sock' O'Callaghan", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+220, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Senior Level Designer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+232, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Mark 'nakedape' Fry", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+232, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Level Designer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+244, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Thomas 'Q-Fraggel' Creutzenberg", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+244, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Level Designer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+256, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Chris 'SHoD' Farcy", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+256, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Level Designer / Artist", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+268, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Lloyd 'LloydM' Morris", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+268, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Level Designer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6, CREDITS_Y+280, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Lee 'Llama' Mercer", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 8 )
LABELWHITE( 6+.5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24)+12, CREDITS_Y+280, .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-24), 10, "Additional Level Design", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 )
HeX|Fate is an amazing mapper.
Hey Pansy, long time no see... . :)

Actually the belgian guy called Snake was a good Mapper they fixed that issue with Special Delivery (since people where forced to play it on Quakecon :D )
also eiM the german guy did a great job.

I can try to give Snake a shout to message you. Maybe he got some time. :)
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