Movie Testclip

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Hey, so this is my first real attempt of doing a fragmovie without using fraps :DD

the quality is much better when you download it tho but this is as fine i guess,hope you like it and i can keep doing the
Fragmovie :p

(got some good guys helping me out with explaining me stuff just as 7ele and Merlinator big thanks to them)

"I know i fucked the popups up at the first scene but meh."
Show me 3mans on final movie and I will commit suicide and haunt you. Others good. Final movie should be worth watching
well i like 3mans ( if they are fast paced and alot of heashots tho ) :p
Fast frags with headshots can be something else than 3x. I don't like them. People could record those in every game
well for me it really depends how important or how cool it looked also, you know not every 3man with headshots is a good one , and not all 3mans are bad :p, for example you kill 3 guys with 3hs each and they tried to shoot back and you just get the objective and win the map cuz of it or win a stage with that 3man its nice to have in a movie imo, but its just my opinion tho
In some 3mans you're probably right :D
11/10 for skillet
Also could you try to upload it to Daily Motion though?
uploaded it on
Audio is desynced, at least on YouTube. Record five seconds of that clip with Fraps, throw it in your project and line up your separately recorded audio accordingly.
huh, its not desynced for me on youtube tho, i uploaded it may give it a try
1st part is not in sync and please change that font, quality is nice.
ye i fucked up the sync at the first scene, and with font you mean the popups ? iam new to this :P
font is the style of the text.
its awesome isnt it? i love it :D
Is it Comic sans ms? :D

I think nothing beats the original ET font.
ye it is :D
plaese change this font :D
Nice attempt - quality is nice but you can improve further:

1. Notice there are some ugly curved arcs (e.g. 0:04). Maybe it's just detail but bothers me always:
seta r_lodscale "99999"
seta r_lodCurveError "-1"
seta r_lodbias "-2"

2. Textures are somehow plain and blurred:
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta r_textureAnisotropy "16"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"

I also suggest download this HQ texture pack from Gaso:

3. There's little frame ghosting and if you recorded something in 60 fps just keep it through the whole editing process (59,94 fps is distracting).

4. Switch from 1280x720 -> 1920x1080. It's still weird to see 720p movies in 2015, c'mon! :D

5. Turn on AA or use multisampling from Image-ET. Make sure you're recording in windowed mode (somehow multisampling doesn't work with fullscreens).

If you want more tips in something you can PM me as well.
thx4the tips but can i record in 1920x1080 while my monitor is only able to do 1600x900? got a problem right there :D
Sure you can. :) Image-ET is based on offscreen rendering so when you're windowed mode (r_fullscreen "0") it's just overgrown window. :D And you can minimize this while working on something else.
oh good to know thx :)
Yo Requem,
I vwanted to ask you if you know/remember - there was one moviemaking pack/program that had a .cfg with it called popups I think and when you executed it, it has shown only your pop-ups/kills, do you know which one it was?
UV moviemod/media manager or the program ag0n wrote
I'm pretty sure it was from ag0n but I really thought it was a .cfg file, isn't it?

Would love it if you could pm me it :)
Dammit erased my message...

Like Foreigner said:

1. UV Movie Mod has options but I wouldn't recommend because has a lot of bugs.
2. ag0n wrote many years ago simple lib for filtering popups.
3. Newest Image-ET (0.8.4) has img_demoFilter command.

If you have spare time you can always do it by yourself.
Yeah, intended to use UV MM for my fragmovie, but it has so many bugs I quit working on it, is ImageET best option then?
If you're fan (or at least tolerant) of custom death animations then here you go! :D
I see, will probably end up in the default game with the added textures from ag0n then :D (hate the jaymod/NQ medpacks also)
sharkp_textures.pk3 in etmain right?
Ja! Copy 'textures' folder into pak0.pk3 and that's all.
into pak0.pk3?

i just copied the file into etmain thats all :D
Yup, into! Should be open with every file explorer. Otherwise treat that as zip file (7zip, WinRAR etc.)
alright thx
just re-recorded the grush scene with your settings uploading them now gotta give you link soon to see the difference :P

this is now in 1080pHD with your settings
Could you just for sure upload somewhere else? Stream looks like smeared with vaseline. :P
Ok, blur, AA and resolution are fine but textures and arcs still does not look great. I'. rendering my example (Goldrush also) so we can compare (yeah with colors but it doesn't matter).
what? couldnt understand what you mean, i think it looks great tho :P, but what and how shall i change the arcs and textures?
Did you paste those settings in your cfg? If so it's still weird. Maybe I'm a little exaggerating but... just give me 10 mins. :D
ye i did , and it looks much better than the one i did before, so i cant follow you atm, looks great for me :D

Here's mine (with everything I've mentioned). Could you upload your cfg? Perhaps I can do some tweaks so it would be faster. :)
Could you share it afterwards? That second clip looks really good from kresti :p
My config? It's just slightly modified ag0n.cfg from his package for my needs.
dat 2nd frag :*****
If you use wav_record then record with 30 fps not 60 or else, because you might get desynced audio
well iam recording wav files with another et and normal replay demo
Change that font you mad cunt
can you suggest me a good one? :p
Just try to get the ET font, the main issue is that the font you picked doesn't fit with the 'you killed nicon' font
ye i understand, just gotta ask 7ele again wich one i should use :p
"Courier new" is ET's font, it should already be on your PC.
using photoshop tho, but ye i remember something with Courier New saw it there :p
yep like i told you krest, courier new is the closest (courtesy of rquiem who told me a while back when i forgot ^^)
no frags against me angela merkel no skill <3
its only few years too late to learn about fragmovie boy :xd
ye,still its fun to learn tho :D
ye true, there is so many awesome thing on this game, oh god, i wish i could go back to the past when i was nerding 24/7 8D
and et were still with lans about 20+teams :D and irc 6o6 wars anyskill anytime awesome shit back than

public full all the time aswell xd
Kresti gonna get cgaced. U heard it first from here
Looks good, goodluck with your movie!
looks good!
ow that rape.
you like that don't ya boy
The only thing i would change, is the title.
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