good games to play nowadays


Any decent MP FPS games to play?
CS:GO sucks hard
Quake Live after steam update is so bad
DB pay2win and disgusting in general

anything else? :/
W: Enemy Territory
listen to iggy azalea till you die
fak of jokono
Well, not really. I'm playing only singleplayer games, or then some casual CS:GO. Will buy Street Fighter 5 when it comes out, but prolly going casual on it also :)

have given up on mp fps games for now
I'll be getting SF5 as well, let's play some when it drops. Maybe I can finally learn how to play fighting games :D
Yeah sure, dunno yet if I will get the game for PS4 or PC >_< heard USF is quite good on pc
I'll be getting it for PC for sure, not sure about PS4 yet.
this man right here knows what's what
gta san andreas
Cities Skylines
Enemy Territory
ET all the way
maybe reflex? I don't have it though
QuoteDB pay2win

image: images
yeah i just bought some good cards and ill leave noobs to get 1 each month :D:D
u can buy like 2 cards or more everyday if u want... there is no payment needed :)
if u play on public u get like every 3rd game a case
if u play comp game u get every 1,5 games a case

also u can buy for 17,5k ingame credits specific loadout cards
u can earn 7-10k ingame credits per day if u r good

and u dont need the loadout cards that much to be good in it.

if u get owned by some1 the reason isnt cuz he had a cobal loadout card its just cuz u prolly aimed bad.

there is no pay2win
Funny to hear bad aiming from a guy who claims that fusch was outstanding aimer and said to some obvious aimbot vid that its legit :D
P2w Good game
but he is kinda right... :S u must have bad aim in DB if u think u get owned coz of loadoutcards
still its booring game, loadout cards shouldn't be on competitive. and some perks should be there by default already, not on loadout cards :P it's quite stupid system imo, though i dont even play the game cause it feels booring as hell
Never said i get owned cause of those shitty cards :D:D the game is Just unbalanced as it is. Pre alpha shit. Unbalanced and those 1 hit shotguns and snipers :D pathetic.
Glad i removed it from ny pc ages ago
The game is in alpha/beta for a decade now and no major changes rofl
Will see it die happily
i would have listed all of the games you just told were bad so..
ET i guess!
Do u like ql at its current state?
I only play duel (with pro sub, classic mode) so its pretty much what it was.
The dmg is still fucked :P
Im more of a CA plyer with friends and it drives mé crazy
Also rip ffa
If you want hard, teambased aiming game, play Natural Selection 2.

I'm still enjoying wc3 based mod Legion TD Mega(for example one hostbot: and waiting Legion TD 2 to be released for beta:

There is still one game I'm waiting to be released and what I'm going to play a lot:
Rocket League!
Isnt it some kind of racing Football game? :D
yeah football with cars, and it is as awesome as it sounds!

Check it out on twitch :)
Whats wrong with CS:GO?
no skill needed
2 random
Ehm what, explain please
1 hit and u are done, and since the first bullet is not accurate how could it require any skill at all?
1st bullet is just as random as the spray itself, hitboxes are fucked up, no movement needed, cos theres none and i could go on
lmao u are so wrong, first of, the first bullet is not random and the spray is not random at all? on the ak for example, it goes up right left, how is that random? :o
And the only thing thats wrong with the hitbox is the hitbox while planting, other then that theres nothing wrong with it tbh. Look at this video, what do you mean when you say theres no movement?
1st bullet - , more to follow when i find the right video

spray - - how could be the spray controlled perfectly when the first bullet is inaccurate :D:D:D: - hitbox and netcode garbage in general

U don't seem to know much about your beloved game :DDD

btw, do u call that movement? :D:D anybody with a little knowledge about strafe jumping will do this, even my gf manages to do those without playing pc games XDDD

good night :)))
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