
Hello all!

Haven't played ET competively in a very long time, but i'm willing to play for a bit again since I figured I can play ET lagless now on my new pc.

About me:

- Any class, prefer medic but can do other stuff if needed
- Have mic
- 22 years old
- Haven't played in a while, probably low max
- Available in evenings except for Wednesday/Friday/Saturdays
- Speaks dutch/english
- Reliable

About you:

- Be fun
- Prefer if you play in the 'xD cup
- Prefer to already know you
- Dutch or English comms
- Be reliable

Pm me here or on steam if you have me added there, will get back on IRC sometimes when I found the password of BNC (gtv`Enigma or gtv`Enigma`OFF)
have to carry this guy in every single game we played ( ET RTCW CS ), would not recommend

gl m8
Oh you were playing those games? Didn't notice at all during the games!

Ty m8 ;)
Very friendly guy and reliable, good luck finding a team
would not recommend.

gl vriend van me
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