
im just addicted to only 2 things in my life

downloads and ET

downloads - wathcing movies, playing sp games, wathcing anime & tv shows
ET - owning LoL

december 2005 - 236gb of downloads
january 2006 - 132gb

and you?
200gb per month
Monat Gesamt (MByte)

Januar 157.733,78

Dezember 93.112,81

November 202.194,39

mhhh... overall traffic
50gb of demos per year
lets say one movie has 1GB of data since there are mostly 700mb versions as well as 1.4gb ones. Means that in december you downloaded 236 movies. Assuming that you got through 80% of them and one movie is 1h30m long you wasted 283hours and 30minutes of december watching crap movies behind your desk.

You need help.
i only download dvds, which means 4.7gb each dvd. most of the dvds are tv shows which means 6 dvds per season with approximately 20 episodes each season and 40minutes each episodes

then yes i watch movies too, maybe 1 daily
it was supposed to be a joke, quit excusing yourself
as you say my lord!
15 gb limit per month ..I rarely downloading more than 7-8
lol i rarely download more than 1-2 gb xD
this month actually -2gb lol xD 10 gb had dissappeared so i gad to cut back and delete some frag movies etc
Sometimes like 20 gb in a month. Downloading Wrestling and Music and dont play et anymore.
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