rekt bugha in csgo lol

randomly got qued with fortnite pros bugha vivid poach
3mill kid?! Nice! Good for you! Im so happy u managed to play with this cute, underaged boy!

ipod playing T side, what a surprise
Quotebro around 2 years ago i weghted around 83 kg, never worked out just PE in school, pure fat, i wanted to change it and going lan was a good motovational thing because i didnt want to look fat. From January 2017 till May i dropped from 83 to 60 or even slightly lower just by doing cardio or by going by foot to uni instead of commuting. I thought that's all i need to do to lose fat but the outcome was different. I did indeed lost weight but for some reason i didnt look skinny or sth like that. Naked I was still fucking fat (later i discovered term skinny fat). Even tho my weight was low, i was still made of fat pretty much, that was invisible while I am wearing clothes but thats a huge problem for me. One year ago I was lost as fuck because all i wanted is to look decent or atleast good, not to wake up with a mindset that i fucking have to live this shitty life again and i will never look good (not even trying to look as good as you, just to look normal, so i can enjoy the life). i decided to start going to the gym. i dont belong to people who feel confident in that kind of places iam kinda shy plus ive never been on the gym so i started meeting there a guy like a personal trainer or so that was showing me all the excercices etc. At the begining i was having tranings with him only but the longer ive been going to the gym the less i started meeting with him. i still meet with him like once a week or so but i go to the gym 4-5 times (usually 4 tho, not gonna lie).
had to login just to lmao to this
( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
it must hurt knowing you can't do much about your inner predispotisions :< as long as there are no cops nearby you should be fine ^_^
nice come back lak
i've never been away!
Quotefortnite pros



image: 6819282
good job friend am proud :)
Nice shots bro !
oeff what a gamer!
try cs go pro you noob ;)

Logged in for the first time in years just for this, ur welcome <3
you nerd
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