itunes & ipods

I have been given the task of putting all my music onto my mums ipod.

Do i have to use itunes? I hate that software. Someone told me I could use winamp. Is this true?

Do I have to convert stuff to that wierd file type that itunes seems to like, or can i keep my stuff in mp3?

Pls help, because Im too lazy to learn on my own.

EDIT: thanks for all the help. Winamp was very simple, so Im useing that.

Note though that I don't own an iPod, so I can't comment on the quality of the listed programs.
Dont know about winamp, but if you dont want to use Itunes there is one program that you can use. I dont know the name coz I dont have ipod or mp3, but I remember reading on some forum that there is some kind a program that you can use insted of Itunes.
You can keep em as mp3.

You need iTunes for file transfer (i hate em too), but you also can use some alternative soft, which sadly i don't use, yet. I tried floola, but it was crashing my ipod.
Winamp indeed supports ipod by default.
For some extra support (smartlists, podcasts) you can use thisthis plugin.
Yes using Winamp for manage the songs for your ipod is imo the best way. U only have to load the songs in the playlist then mark all and right click > Send to > iPod > wait > done :D
itunes > *
use it
i use itunes for that stuff, but i havent used my ipod for a long time now... atm im using only K800i + headset :p
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