Sound lag problem

The computers here seem to be giving a stuttering or buffering sound for some people in ET (maybe for those with non-USB headsets?). They're fine with windows media player or CoD2. They're running onboard sound, with ASUS motherboards and RealTEK audio chips, I think. If anyone has possible solutions, that would be great...
only ET-Ingame? and has every wolfplayer this problem?

*edit: ah "some"

maybe reduce the rate or something, try to figure out the cfgstuff of those with the working sound
The ingame sound, not sure what it's like for RtCW, since we haven't installed that yet...
maybe reduce the sound quality ingame, or syncing with windows? dunno :)
do they have like this program called " realtek sound manager"?
As far as I know, no.
check control panel for sound effect manager
set s_mixahead and s_mixPreStep abit up and try again.
Doesn't help.
not even if you set it to defaults ?

s_mixahead : 0.2
s_mixPreStep : 0.05

( EDIT: btw have a nice lan )
it's sound settings in et configs. sometimes i have verys hit osunds for first 5 mins when i connect to a server. lower the settings in the cfg and it might help
Dont use sound, use wallhacks.
had a look round a few sites and it seem realtech audio uses software to render sound instead of hardware. So when the cpu is at full load doing game and AI calculations the sound stutters. These things may help but im unsure :(

1) Click the Start button > Settings > Control Panel.
2) Double-click the Sounds and Audio Devices icon.
3) Click the Volume tab.
4) Under Speaker settings, click the Advanced button.
5) Click the Performance tab.
6) Reduce the Hardware acceleration to Basic, the 2nd notch from the left.
7) Click Apply and then OK 2 times. Run the game now. Don't forget to turn the acceleration back up to restore the high-end features for your sound card when using other applications.

# Try changing the Sample rate conversion quality:
-Open the windows control panel (start -> settings -> control panel)
-Double click on the Sound and Audio Devices icon
-Locate the Speaker Settings portion of the Volume tab
-Click on the Advanced button inside the speaker settings section
-In the Advanced Audio Properties click on the Performance tab
-Move the Sample Rate Coversion Quality slider from Best to Good.
impressive :P
if it worked it would be :)
otherwise looking up the mobo id and installing nforce drivers would be nice, im pretty sure you should get them working.
Changing the performance settings certainly helps. So does decreasing the maxfps setting. Hopefully between the two we can sort it out for everyone.
RealTEK audio chips

there's your problem, afaik you can install different drivers for those bastards. nforce give average quality good performance, realtek give good qualty bad performance.

Install 'cpuz' and get some more info on that mobo

look up you mobo and see if you can find nforce drivers like these:
yeah i remember i uninstalled my ac97 and put the nforce ones on i think. Then the sound disappeared after a few months from the left side so i bought a hw card :P
well, I just use an old soundblaster and it really kicks ass compared to the onboard sound i gotten used to. Changed it when i tried out linux. Found out buying creative is really worth its money as most audio cards are just cheap software simulations.
Shewie already found the sollution, com_maxfps 76 !
snd_restart ?
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