Sitting in school again.

Here i am sitting in "Personal Social Education" being bored out of my mind. I mean how pointless is this lesson?

What are the rest of you up to at this early time?
Studying something that i cant translate to english :(
my work is pointless
Coffee time + smoko, nothing special, you in better position :]
I have such crappy lessons today aswell, the outlook is not good.
Im going to school in 10 mins and I'll be back in 20 :DD
doing coursework :o)

edit: Cool my lecturer is letting me drop it off, so I can have all day to do it now ^_^
sitting @ school till 11:45 then going to home=o]
waar blijf je dan dikzak ?? kut turk xd
back from university and ready to go back at 13.00
I'm watching PULP FICTION :D
doing graphics revision in class ofc
back from uni, "management ethics" certainly ain't a subject worth attending :]
bcak from teh school
going to school :[
@ work repairing computers :). This thingi has problems with USB ports, it read usb , but when you trye to open some fiel there it freezes....
Rofl maybe driver conflict or mainboard fucked:<
jep. Changet mainboard and testet with another hdd, but with costumers software. Probelm is still there. Its in the software :(
preparing for football tournament!
was sleeping
what again :o i went to bed at 5.00 am and woke up at 12^^
You need sleep? :o
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