17 May 2007, 11:38
Hello, I'm looking for a nice Pokerset that's not too expensive because a friend of me already has a nice expensive poker set and we play a lot with that.
I dropped my eyes on this one:
seems nice price/quality yee?
Only the blue chips are missing
I dropped my eyes on this one:
seems nice price/quality yee?
Only the blue chips are missing
edit: i got the one with the blue chips in it, you can get it also by toys R us!
BTW blue ones are nice, but without it's also ok
5 (red), 10 (white), 25 (green), 50 (black) for example
also 300 chips, it seems nicer, but for that price I prefer the one from bartsmit + it's in my towncentre
moet je eerste ff op de link: "pokerkoffers klik hier" drukken
stuntprijs imo
maar ik woon in belgie hé, wat is de levertijd?
Gaa nog wat rekjes vullen in de Albert Hein ofzo.
we got a big table, one which has to be layed on a table and i think a set of chips. all to be sold!
Ik heb het gekocht bij goudzwaard ofzo ? Daar zit volgens mij de top 1 toys in.
maar wel minder chips ofc
bv. buy-in 2.5 euro
rood 5cent, wit 10 cent, groen 25cent, zwart 50cent
small blind? big blind? wij meestal 2.5eur buy in, maar gaan weldra voor meer spelen :D
small blind moet tog altijd de helft van de big blind zijn :P
bv. 5cent 10 cent
10cent 20cent
quality is ok imo
those are great.
got some.
too bad that I don't know pokerrulez =(