Photoshop CS2

i got photoshop cs2 and need help at some styles and with gif pics
help me :<
make them yourself wit the Photoshop CS2 which you have :-|||||
pain.NET pain.NET pain.NET

photoshop > all
i did but need help at some things i dont understand how to do
adobe imageready for gifs
with imageready cs2 its possible yes
but imgrdy didnt make it to the cs3 package in case someone here uses the cs3 package =)
"i got photoshop cs2 and need help at some styles and with gif pics"
Sarcasm detector keeps going crazy with you.
runasdate.exe to cheat any application on the market :P Always nice to use a demo version of a 1000€ application :D
get cs3 tbh :P
give me -.-
pls someone who knows photoshop good wants to help me ?
just got some questions :)
frag halt im msn, matze und ich kennen uns woh bissl aus np4us
wrote u -.- answer
Detailed explanation of your problem pls !
What's the exact problem?
Use tutorials maybe?
write "photoshop tutorials" on google : (
cs3 > cs2
Ask strAf or shAf or however your boyfriend his name is like
ask your questions ...
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