Photoshop Help!
31 May 2007, 10:10
Hoi, any1 can link me to a decent tutorial or wouldn't mind to explain me how I can add my "signature" , or better the first letters of my name & surname (dunno the english word for that!) to an existing picture?
Google kinda didn't help me.
Google kinda didn't help me.
Seems like it's so easy that I didnt realize it :'d
you have to move the mouse away from the text itself while you are editing it and voila there it is!
(tried with cs3)
google for photoshop actions!
If you are still going to school or are already at university, why don't you just buy the student version of ps cs3 or illustrator (or both) (around 150€ in Germany).
Saves money for booze and chicks :D