alongside the new website there is also a beta version of Safari available.

image: safari
So explain why Safari > Windows...
Safari -> Windows, as in, Safari going to windows.
safari has proper aRGB rendering!
It's a shame I run linux!
Not a shame !
Linsnusk <333333333
Btw 88 times.
Sorry to hear mate ! :p
Sjekk igjen nå:o)
litt fordeler må man ha når man har laget den selv :P
If you ask me, fluxbox > all though.

Try it !
Uh, I cba trying to get something else to work. I should have never downloaded 64bit.
It isn't hard. Just install fluxbox, edit your xinitrc and add fluxbox to the cmd line, wola.
Blackbox for windows:

image: boxilr2
was working with it today as a part of university assignment.. gave me quite a headache at first
I've had my fair share of headache due to fluxbox during the times aswell ;p
uuuu, ubuntu, skilled. (naat) D:

What is it exectly?
Apple's alpha web browser. They say beta, they mean alpha.
Is it new?

Is it better the FireFox?

anyone try both? :)
was waiting for it a long time
Got "Windows problem bla bla" both times I tried to run it after installation.
Opera > that other animal browsers
its always crashing...
I don't see how they can expect it to succeed in its current form, until they begin the inevitable process of bundling it with iTunes and Quicktime. While it may (it seems the same in osx) be faster, it lacks many of the features that people have come to expect from opera and firefox (mostly through extensions). It doesn't do ad-blocking, tabbed browsing is a bit of a mess and it simply isn't very customisable on the whole.

Since it's a 'beta', they may add some things before it reaches a final release, but who knows with Apple.
Its crap. Tried it. Hated it. Firefox > *.

To explain:

1) Its no faster from my point of view
2) The text font it presents text in (try xfire for example) is just ludicrously bad and pointless
3) The loading thing at the top seems pointless and ugly
4) iIts reminds me of vista and word, why change the layout of software so users have to reuse it, pointless and time consuming. FF and IE have to down to a tee so why try to be different and fail.

Disclaimer: My points of view but you yourself may like it.
I have used safari on mac for many years already, it owns all windows stuff x)
Its a beta you idiots, don't expect it to be better than firefox and opera straight away.
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