wtf pls :o

cybergames just kicked me because I had more damage given then I received
they always whine about my sniping skizllz
i get kicked there faster than on noob servers o.O
lol finally teh real ronner
haha, hi 2 u Ron :)
still DJ-ing ?
x DE
So unexpected singing from both :o Beautiful imo!
the little girl is so pro
that was pretty gay, but the kid got guts.
löl @ profile
ronner why you changed your nick????????????
I didn't because I'm a faker :)
i guess you can say bibuy to this fake account and to you real one as well. :p
I allready did for myself :(
sorry for you :(
I really don't care about it :p

I'm banned on too much forums, so I've got the experience to change my idendity :]
Very nice
Saw that Paul guy 2 days ago. I was impressed.
Oo so cute
this girl is terrific imo!
well.. you are right that I got it cold when I saw that 6yr old perform, but it's not cuz of what it is you are implying. Even the guy in the 2nd vid has serious talent. Something your tiny little brain wouldn't be able to comprehend.
now, if you would be so kind to tell us who you actually are, so that I can give you a nipple-twist next cpc
Hehe only if you unban my ip & nick :D

It won't hurt me anyway ;p
shit out of luck, I can't ban on IP.. only ppl with "god" status on crossfire can (eg. toss, tala, nellie etc)
Then ask them to unban my ip
I can't ask them if I have no clue who you are.
Duh ^^

But aslong I'm not unbanned I won't tell who I am ;D
the only clue there is is that aza left #crossfire to get to a proxy. so could be aza, but I doubt he's the only one "smart" enough to use a proxy for this shit.
Nope, I'm not aza
well then I have no clue who you are..
Ip bans won't stop me from commenting on Crossfire anyway.

Maybe unban everyone who got banned because of "foreign language" today?
like eehm.. no?
I still don't know why you were banning anyone who uses "foreign languages" while you understand the languages or when the (language) tag was implemented on the journal.
I've only given 1 day bans to ppl posting in other languages than english when there was no (languagename) in the title..

Besides, I'm not gonna discuss these rules again. They are made before I was admin again and I'm just strictly enforcing them. Disagree or agree, I dont care. These are simply the rules.
Well, I don't give a shit about rules, I will follow them. Someone made a topic why he's comments continue were deleted. It got editted and afterwards deleted. He editted the topictitle so there was (dutch) on it, but he got banned afterwards, strange uh?
the moment I banned that person the topic title did not have (dutch) in it, and the journal itself was in english. Later he edited the title to have (dutch) in it as well, but that was totally useless since the journal was in english.
Then you ain't following the rules strictly. He did it to allow dutch also. So that's also not allowed?
I followed them strictly. The moment I banned that guy (most likely you) the topic did not have (dutch) in it.
Just cuz he added it later on (which had no relevance to the topic and thus making it invalid) doesn't change a thing.
It had (dutch) in the title till it got deleted. First time it got editted by one of the admins (you?) and then he editted topititle again, afterwards he got a ban.
- I see dutch text in a journal without (dutch)
- I banned the user
- deleted the comment
- saw later that it got added to have (dtuch) in title
- edited the title so it would not have (dutch) in it cuz it was totally useless to have (dutch) in the title

anyway.. you are either one of these ven0m, vikaszz, sweex999, Xzz, imP, aza or Juize
Totally wrong! :DDD
well then I guess I banned another dutchie without remembering
:o you can't remember my name? nice ;D
not really.. banned about 20 ppl today or so..
So if I say my name, you'll ask one of the "gods" to unban my ip and you'll unban me?
depends on who you are and if you were posting in dutch on purpose.
I wasn't talking in Dutch anyway. Just annoying some ppl with the journal for fun. Bored, you know.
you weren't talking in english, that's for sure
1 reply in turkish :p
Siktirlan (2nd try :D) (Turkish)
If they say so, yes.
You can also spoof the last 8 digits and go on with a new...
If you have an ATI card, it will be a mess to install it...
I think he'is walking in the office, so WH
go home if u get bored @ school i did it aswell
r_mode 4 offcourse
Leagues don't need the first digits ;D.

I see no Dutch anyway. Can't remember I typed any Dutch except in my own Journal wich got deleted.
2nd is nice ye, some telephone seller being a opera star
the 6 year old should go practice for a few more years, she didnt sing perfect, but it was fucking good for someone who is only 6 :)
amazing :o :O :()
i like the people that said they cried :/
saw that guy paul's vid some days ago already... been watching it several times since and it brings tears in my eyes everytime :p
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