Help meh!!!11

I need to rotate text in a word document 180 degrees...
How the hell do i do it?

done nvm.
start the flame plz
Rotate your screen!
Do a barrel roll.
No, just another name-lamer.... just help me....
didnt work
you cant in word!
I used that random blank wordart and filled it with black and rotated it. so
make screenshot, paste it in paint and rotate
use word art, and if u click it, u will se a small yellow shape, by holding it u can rotate i think
I already fixed it. But i dunno how to remove the journal :D
omg its Portugal Fuego from team portugal......

oh wait..

its not
fanboy probably
not rly cuz por suxx....
That's what you get if your name has an actual meaning?
Por sucks ?
you suck because i dont see your flag being flamed because of nothing( btw you are retarded )

my nickname have a meaning (in portuguese)
you are so limited that all you did was pick somebody's nickname
Or i chose the meaning retard..
If you don't know what you're talking about shut the fuck up and go to school. Try to pick up some proper english. And the real flag in front of my name is the dutch flag and i'm proud of it...
yes you really are a retard because i just said "fanboy probably " and your answer was "not rly cuz por suxx...."
obviously i know what i'm talking about and you don't have a clue

nobody cares about bad english as long as it is understandable
You do not seem to understand he asked if i waws Fuego from team por. And you called me a fanboii.
But how can i fanboii somebody that i think suxx?
"fanboy probably "

he didnt asked
Fuego :D:D:D:
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