
Being as lucky as I'm, I have the pleasure of testing three pairs of Shure extremely expensive and quality headphones for the next 20 days.

SE210 - 99.99
SE310 - 149.99
SE420 - 249.99

I hope the 20 days lasts forever! :{
You dont need good sound, ur wh is good enough! ;]
LOL, I would only use the SE420 :DDD
thats not extremely expensive =/
I know there are sennheisers around +/- 500 euros.
So true that
and theres stuff way beyond that
for earphones it's pretty expensive..I mean Shure only make 2 pairs more expensive and someone like Bose doesn't offer anything in this price range.
depends where u come from its expensive if ur not into hifi headphones, but for me seeing "extremely expensive" im thinking some 500€+ balanced headphones instantly :s
Well there is quite a few "mainstream" companies I've asked as well, not sure which was the most expense piece I requested. But the 250 Shure is up there. But to be honest for the majority of people even the lowest priced Shure is way beyond most peoples price range, but it will be nice to test (and keep in some cases! [hopefully =D]) some nice stuff regardless.
those are headsets?
i didnt even know shure makes headsets
Already seen, the other pics are more impressive with the computers all racked up ;)
lacks a toilet inside the armchairs and a nice girl to feed you :>
yep and totally , i mean , totally no real life
You reviewing them?
Yup, amongst others! But I'm a fanboy of Shure and they were the first to come so :P
Writing for progam3r then?

You're being short-changed, most let you keep the product ;)
Nope. Streetrunner didn't get back to me (even though it was just an email saying "Liefje told me to email you about the possibly of writing for you"), and my priorities have changed as well. Assumes you have read my blog if you know those sort of infoz!
Nah, just put two 'n two together. New magazine being launched, evan has £500 worth of products...who then?
I would like to write for them I guess, or at least I think I wanted to. But every time I write something, I talk to new people who throw ideas and opinions down my throat and it makes the whole dedicate your soul/talent (not that I have either!) to one site seem a bit... This is just for SK but I guess I'm working on some new ideas at the moment.
Omg you lucker!! Shure is the chizzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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