last time i try...

You download it
You put songs on it
You buy songs on it
You play songs with it
You put songs on your ipod with it
You use the questions/help button if you still dont understand it.
how i put songs on it
you got a email adress so i can send some screenshots on how to put songs in it?
dont know i plugged in my ipod and it downloaded the program
can only use itunes with ipod?
use winamp or foobar
i was/am noob at it too I didnt understand shit of it. So i use floola now. go try it!
how dumb can you be to not understand itunes? :>

plug in you ipod via usb-cable. then just move over your .mp3's
dont help this jew hater !! :~>
iTunes is the best
listening Miami Vice and Terminator Soundtracks
hello kaazz, one of my favorite jews.

wanna be my buddy?
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