Gmail to Jail?
9 Nov 2005, 17:42
Gmail is giving me 2+ gb of space, with unlimited bandwidth and full speed, but am i using it? No =o(. You might have read my rant on torrents, where i shared my dissatisfaction with regards to the speed things came down at; i now feel, however, there is a solutions to all my problems, or atleast what could be a solution to my problems if it isn't abused.
You've all probably heard of the Gmail drive program, if not then there's a link provided towards the end of this, it basically allows you to use your gmail account as a private ftp, something which i think could be useful for filesharing. So how do we use this? The accounts are passworded so it isn't possible for people to login to any gmail account with gmail drive; this is where the "if it isn't abused" clause comes in, what if people where to set up accounts in the names of bands, films, etc, upload whatever file they have related to that band, then distribute the user and pass to those who wish to download the file? Surely this could work?
Well i don't know if it's been tried before, and i can't imagine it hasn't, but i'll give it a go here =o).
I guess it just comes down to who would like free full speed access to music, games or videos, and who likes destroying things for others =oP.
[email protected] - Username (type [email protected] to log in, won't work otherwise.)
there are 8 albums, contained in one folder, which has been zipped into 230 rar files (They'll all unzip together), i found with big files the gmail drive program crashed.
You've all probably heard of the Gmail drive program, if not then there's a link provided towards the end of this, it basically allows you to use your gmail account as a private ftp, something which i think could be useful for filesharing. So how do we use this? The accounts are passworded so it isn't possible for people to login to any gmail account with gmail drive; this is where the "if it isn't abused" clause comes in, what if people where to set up accounts in the names of bands, films, etc, upload whatever file they have related to that band, then distribute the user and pass to those who wish to download the file? Surely this could work?
Well i don't know if it's been tried before, and i can't imagine it hasn't, but i'll give it a go here =o).
I guess it just comes down to who would like free full speed access to music, games or videos, and who likes destroying things for others =oP.
[email protected] - Username (type [email protected] to log in, won't work otherwise.)
there are 8 albums, contained in one folder, which has been zipped into 230 rar files (They'll all unzip together), i found with big files the gmail drive program crashed.