razer drivers (fps)

do they cause fps lag in ET? i used to get 76 constant with my mx510 (logitech drivers, 800dpi 500hz - dunno if they make a difference).

now i get 76 with constant drops to 40, even 30fps. i'm using driver ver 1.07 and firmware 1.10 for the deathadder. anyone know if they're the reason? or should i conduct a virus scan? :x
virus scan, or format C :~>
no they dont
no they dont
thx for the replies :) i'm scanning n stuff, hope it helps coz i won't format ><
working fine for me without any fps drops..

mx518 + diamondback driver v6.02
i got razer keyboard drivers and they dont cause me lag.. so they dont cause lag on ET
You have installed the new punkbuster :) And no, drivers that doesnt concern gfx, cpu or harddrive would not change fps-performance in 99% of the cases.
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