CDC3 Viability

Now I'm being honest with you, so I would like some decent and honest answers.

Would you honestly appreciate ET/WS/Q3 becoming more mainstream in terms of gaming? I mean given the opportunity would you appreciate more people who stereotypically would be interested in CS 1.6, WC3 and WoW etc reading and finding out about CDC3 (and Crossfire/ and all the gamers/games involved.

But the question is, why should "we" bother, why would the "mainstream" like ET/WS/Q3 and what are the best quality's of both the games and the communities?
Why wouldn't you want more people to be interested in ET?
More cheaters :XD
article again?
thx so here my short statement:
yes, because i would like that my friends know which kind of game im playing. maybe they gonna play it too.
Hallo Koks-Lady !
Hier für Dich ! :

i lol'ed!
,ptr düs, üöd
i'm too sleepy so i didn't understand a word whatcha sayd :<
going to write something for SK? :)
Yes, sure. Personally I don't care about Warsow that much and I find Q3 much more enjoyable for various reasons.

ET and Q3, however, should receive more attention because they are the best team and duel games, respectively. One of their main advantage is the engine used, which is far superior to all the others released ever after. Both games (especially ET when compared to other team games) have a very decent netcode and both require certain skills to move around the map properly. Movement is perhaps one of the things I like about q3 engine games! Both games also have awesome competition mods, etpro and cpma.

ET's hit registration system is really good (obviously not perfect, but you have to admit that it's at least decent :c) and the hitscan weapons feel very different to those in other games. You can actually hit where you aim at. It also uses the concept of spawns, unlike other team games such as CS or COD2, which are round-based. The action does not stop every few minutes and the games are faster, it doesn't take that much time to finish a single match in ET. I also find a doc return more exciting than a bomb defuse. Perhaps a decider map is nicer than a decider round as well.

That's what makes ET unique and awesome, and that's the reason for "mainstream" to like it!
Thanks for the in depth response =)

But why did you wait 3 year for that ? :[
stop stop stop... you borked my sarcasm-o-meter!
If you are going to write this article please remember that Quake 3 is not at all like WSW/ET in this comparisson.

SK for example have had some of the greatest Quake 3 duellers and sent them across the world to compete in eSports events. However Quake3 died at ESWC 05, before then it was the pinnacle of death match and had regular events and pro players & teams.

ET/WSW are free and have never had consisent financial support.
What a typically German reply. Maybe you didn't get my intention.
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