Invert mouse.

anyone play with it?
Is there any advantage (I use invert mouse)?
invert mouse sucks
ofc you have a HUGE advance

in case your face is upside down
being a picasso?
Inverted mouse of win!
its the same when u get used to it, so no advatage at all.

basicly you turn left and image goes right
Haha... no :)

It is only the Y-axis that is inverted, like flying a plane.
Yes, some people use it. It all comes down to personal preference though, you don't get any advantage/disadvantage.
image: 286020885_2aee5f718a_o

i use invert
ofc! invert is tha way.
no advantages, just beeing used to it.
i play with invert mouse.

when i started to play ET, invert mouse was in my default cfg :o and i didnt know how to change it =) so i found options panel after 6 months pub playing :D:d
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