left brain or right brain?


at first i was right brain, but now i can make it spin which ever way i choose :)

pretty interesting
<< right

[e] i was only watching @ black tits
its a gif

it moves its sself, no scientific bullshit
i can change the direction lal

but actually it cant be
its bollocks tbh
1st look it was allways clockwise
i looked away and now its anti-clockwise :O
yep if you look away and at it again your first impression sticks... it's hard to make it change without looking away first

image: 0,,5675247,00
easy. just look @ the foot thats on the ground. If u thinks its she turn anticlockwise u think that the toes are behind the foot. Just think that the toes are in front of the foot and tada. Now she turn clockwise :D
ah ok, it really works, just looked at the shadow on the ground
First right and then for some reason i saw it clockwise lol
It's always clockwise?!
€ nvm
first ccw and when i watched her shadow it was suddenly cw

edit: after some minutes it becomes controlable :D
weird thing
damn your right
left side ftw
by default it turns clockwise for me
counter clockwise... dont see how that could be any other way? :F
OMFG! IT CHANGED!!! hax ban!
but it changed back to normal... thank god
i can see both if i tilt my head a little the other side :)
makes me dizzy.. and its just clockwise:x
right only :/
If I tilt my head slightly to the side, squint my eyes, hold my left testicle in my right hand and my right testicle in my left while singing 'We all live in a yellow submarine' and jumping on one foot.. I can still clearly see that it's the animation changing direction and has cock all to do with hemispheric brain dominance, you gullible fucking benighted twatcakes.
no it doesn't.
Its true ! It does change direction. Fully Fake.!!!!
How long did I have you staring at the screen to try to work that out? :D

I was only joking friend. Look at the image zerender posted and scroll the page down so that only the lower foot is in view, you'll find you can quite easily make it appear to change direction.
I spent like 20seconds!
i first saw it clockwise, but fortunately i only see itl anti-clockwise now :)
rofl same here
first i saw it anti-clockwise... now clockwise...
Clockwise only, just can't make it go the other way.
try to follow the shadow on the ground
Trust me, I tried. Hiding parts of the picture with notepad etc.

However, when I turned my back to the monitor and watched the picture upside down, I managed to get it going counter-clockwise. :D That effect didn't last long tho, when I turned back, only about two seconds.
your so talented, i cant surf the interwebs while bashing my bishop
tilt your head to the left or right, it will change cus in your brain its fixed that the shadow is under the horizon and when u tilt your head your horizon changes and u will just see a flat image.
EDIT: or just cover up the shadow
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