
good morning crossfire

im gone to work :<

brb :[
and me to school :< good day
Morning, to work soon :E:EE now eating image: multivit and drinking image: header_coffeecup
i am in work now already:( shit weather in poland, bleeeeh
well in finland is so fucking cold :(, hows ze cats?:D
poor country
why do u think like that?:(
bcuz your internets is strange
oh rly? so israel is also poor countrie?:>

btw russia isn't much better
except that Moscow is 10 times bigger than crappy estonia :D:D:::DdDDd go make a nazi monument fuckheads
bigger? so? your country might be rich and big, but the living conditions and quality sucks

I guess that's why 40% of estonia is populated by russians that came here from Russia to get better living conditions and work.
Putin gave them a chance to come back to russia for free, paid planetickets etc, 1% went back
you expect to go back with nothing to nowhere , and live nowhere? kid try to be logic , if the 40% of your country (russians) will leave , try check your economy in a few days :DDD . kid you will grow up , u will understand that u will be always living surounded by russians all over the place and the only thing you can do is just to "blameflame" ;)
so you're proud that you some of you moved here because russia sucks so much? matter of fact, didn't you?
I didn't , my grandfather/mother did.
Hm... can't even say why , maybe you are right that it can be nicer here for some people , but still there is no need to treat Russia like americans treat mexicans. allthough I know the language , but I would prefer to live in Russia rather than in Estonia.

Maybe it was becouse Baltics countrys were in USSR so it was like a big russia or whatever , i can't say properly , didn't ask my grandparents about it.
now im at work too :[
going to school in 15 mins
jó én suliban vagyok :<
school time :<
Going to bed later again
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