PC tuning

What's the best FREE most reliable "tuning" program ? I mean : with what u can improve your performance.

Edit. As i said , i need a program.
võta noortepere laenu
bios, lol
Easiest way to speed up your pc is to keep it virus/spyware free and tweak your xp/vista install and disable everything you don't need.

Everytime i format i have to disable about 30 things that leach memory and cpu power.

www.blackviper.com can be followed by any PC newbie. Spend a good few hours doing it making sure you read the site thoroughly to ensure you don't mess anything up.
program would be better
nice site, although i dont agree on the 'get the latest drivers' part :P
latest drivers are not always the best for your older graphics card for example.

the newer drivers are created the improve the preformance of the newer cards not the older card.

And I use Omega drivers which are quite old allready but give me 25 FPS more as the newest nvidia drivers
same here, i wrote down some fps stats after checking et's timedemo, with different drivers, came out that the one im using now (2 years old omega) are giving me the best fps, and because I dont play other games, i feel no need to update them
jup same here but only nvidia and no Ati
well for example, I've tried the ATI standard drivers and the Omega ones (modified ati drivers), tried the latest and some older version, all I could see was that the new ones take more memory and cpu but do not improve the performance, so what is the use of updating something which is already good? :x
ATi is not good so you've failed before you even went onto the driver part!!
hehe well I can agree on that, i shouldn't have bought this vga, but it was cheap and it easy to mod (x800gto2 => x850xt-pe) but my next one will be nvidia ^^
Yea disable your "services" do a quick and you'll find a list of safe ones to disable.

Also CCcleaner http://www.ccleaner.com/ Is good for clearing old stuff your pc and you can also stop things from starting with windows that you dont want too.
atitool/rivatuner + bios
looks like we have something in common!
well then, looks like i succeeded :P
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