Megui + music

Can anyone tell me how I can add some music to my Untitled.avi after I rendered it with megui? I just dont want to change the compression again, otherwise I'd just do it in virtualdub.
ez, but why help a cheater?
would u hate ur friends too if they cheated in a freeware game? cuz it seems like u hate the people who used some stupid hacks
1. very unlikely
2. should I love them instead?
naa u shouldnt love them but u shouldnt act like they are retards or bad humans or smth and rly, do u react on players u know for a long time (played with em or smth) and who turned out to be cheaters like this too?
Hatte ich bisher von dir nur nen total falschen Eindruck oder warst du schon immer so vernünftig :o Wieso zum Teufel sind in letzter Zeit alle so nett zu mir, das is ja mal was ganz neues.
ich war schon immer vernünftig ofc
cant remember many that I've played with but for example, I used to play with ensam, he was something like 13 at the time, didnt really expect him to start cheating but he did, so based on that, I could say yeah.
it's more like pubcheaters and clanwar cheaters, I don't care that much about pubnubs but when it comes to cheating in clanwars it's just retarded.
well i dont like that too and its not like im fighting for cheaters or smth :p

but almost everyone is just overhyping it, especially the kentacase
I never cheated in a clanwar :^|
I rather delete my journal than acceppt help from an idiot like you.
dl yamb - install yamb - import mp3 & mp4 - mux - profit
download yamb, install yamb, import mp3 and mp4, mux it, profit
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